Kathryn Hemmann

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Kathryn Hemmann


Reader of books and player of games. College professor and pokémon trainer. Writes about media and society. In love with monsters and magic. they/them
🌿 https://digitalfantasydiary.com/ 🌿
Atsuhiro Yoshida’s 2018 linked story collection Goodnight Tokyo chronicles the adventures of a cast of slightly odd characters with subtle connections to one another. Each of the stories begins at precisely 1:00am, and the nighttime urban space of Tokyo is gentle and welcoming.
Yōko Ogawa’s 2023 collection からだの美 brings together sixteen short essays on the theme of bodies and physicality. The three primary topics are sports, performing arts, and animals. My favorite essays are Ogawa's meditations on how our lives are shaped by creative practice.
you can check this new Nihei manga out on Bookwalker for a sample, and they're running a temp free reading edition of the book until June 30 too! bookwalker.jp/ded3f12b01-a...
Tsutomu Nihei's newest manga series, Tower Dungeon, is a grim and grisly dark fantasy about a team of knights attempting to scale a gargantuan tower. Nihei's art dazzles the reader with grotesque creatures, labyrinthine architecture, and an awe-inspiring sense of scale.
タワーダンジョン(1)bookwalker.jp 邪悪な魔術師は王を弑し、姫をさらって天から降りてきた巨大な建造物「竜の塔」に逃げ去ったーー。 王国の近衛戦団は姫を救うべく塔を登ってゆくが、強力な魔物に阻まれる。 負傷者の穴を埋めるべく、ある村から農夫の青年ユーヴァがやって来て・・・・・・? 『…
Tsutomu Nihei's newest manga series, Tower Dungeon, is a grim and grisly dark fantasy about a team of knights attempting to scale a gargantuan tower. Nihei's art dazzles the reader with grotesque creatures, labyrinthine architecture, and an awe-inspiring sense of scale.
I love the Tears of the Kingdom fan theory that Sonia was originally from Lurelin Village ☀️
Guardia Forest from Chrono Trigger
Taiyo Matsumoto’s newest series, Tokyo These Days, follows a senior manga editor named Shiozawa who quits his job at a publishing company in order to commission “the perfect manga.” It's a sensitive and realistic story about the struggles of artists and the professionals who support their work.
This weekend, I'm tabling at the Linktober Zelda Creator Con, where I have a booth with some fanfic story promo graphics in the Tarrey Town market.
Yasushi Inoue’s novella The Hunting Gun tells the story of a man’s romantic affair through three letters: one from his daughter, one from his wife, and one from the woman he loved. The female characters take center stage as they describe the complexities and compromises of their lives and emotions.
the Cartoonist Co-op is filled with people far smarter and far more experienced than me who are putting in a lot of hours behind the scenes to make actual labor organization in our industry happen, but there's power in numbers. we need everyone!
I'm going to sound like a broken record, BUT the only way for working conditions to get better is for everyone that actually makes comics to work together, publishers aren't going to do that for you and you shouldn't expect them to! No amount of niceties will change that. cartoonist.coop
The Cartoonist Cooperativecartoonist.coop Making comics better for everyone!
Our current moment, explained: imagine that keeping your car idling 24/7 solved mad libs that told you to put glue on pizza
Nanae Aoyama’s novella A Perfect Day to Be Alone chronicles a year in the life of a young woman named Chizu who moves in with her elderly relative Ginko. There are no heart-to-heart talks or life lessons, just a lot of sitting around, relaxing, and chatting about nothing in particular.
A perfectly normal collection of houseplants.
Tales of the Black Forest is a narrative exploration game that's equal parts wholesome cuteness and gruesome horror. It's perfect for Japanese pop culture fans who enjoy both creepy urban legends and Studio Ghibli. 💀🌱 My review: digitalfantasydiary.com/2024/05/30/t...
It was a pleasure to play and review indie manga artist Nekobungi Sumire's narrative adventure game Neko Can Dream, which contains a complex and beautiful world within its simple Game Boy graphics. Check out my review on Sidequest here: sidequest.zone/2024/05/27/n...
Mieko Kanai’s Mild Vertigo is a slice-of-life novella whose short length belies its Proustian ambitions. The narrator, a housewife living in an apartment in the Tokyo suburbs, engages in extended meditations on her home, family, friends, neighborhood, and place in the world.
Usurper Ghoul is a nonviolent Soulslike exploration game developed with Game Boy Studio and free to download from Itchio. You might need a walkthrough, but this substantial game is guided by brilliant ideas. The game: evandahm.itch.io/usurper-ghoul My review: digitalfantasydiary.com/2024/05/25/u...
Kinoko Nabatani’s 怖習 collects seven short horror manga about spooky girls and haunted women. Strange and disturbing things happen without warning or explanation, suggesting that only the grace of luck and circumstance prevents them from happening to you.
NextDoor is an adaptation of a short manga by Junji Itō that's free to download and takes about fifteen minutes to play. The sounds and animation are great, especially when the next-door neighbor finally appears. The game: broelbrak.itch.io/nextdoor My review: digitalfantasydiary.com/2024/05/19/n...
The Last Train Home is a free, five-minute creepypasta story game exploring a common trope in East Asian urban legends, the myriad dangers of boarding the wrong commuter train at midnight. The game: hby.itch.io/last-train-h... My review: digitalfantasydiary.com/2024/05/17/l...
give me 1,000 webcomics with janky art & unpredictable update schedules on ugly websites over a single AIgen webtoon that exists only as Content to feed an endlessly hungry corporate app
Plants and leaves 💚🍃🌱
🍃 Interest Check Open 🍃 Something is beginning to sprout... 🌱 Interest Check for the Whispers of Hyrule, a Zelda zine dedicated to the forest folk of Hyrule and beyond, is officially open until May 25th! Link to the form below, kwee! ⬇️
You Matida’s 砂の都 is a single-volume graphic novel about an 18yo boy who lives in a nameless city in a desert. From finding a pet turtle to navigating a vast labyrinth that mysteriously appears on the border of town, the boy is pulled along on adventures in a daily life that is anything but ordinary.
I got to write an essay for the Zelda Creators community blog about what a Zelda game might look like if Zelda herself were the main playable character. Zelda's story is always fascinating, and I'd love to see her get a game of her own one day! Here's my pitch: www.zeldacreators.com/blog/a-not-s...
Shima Shinya’s four-volume sci-fi manga Glitch is about two sisters who move to a small rural town populated by immigrants from other countries – and other realities. The artist has drawn official Star Wars comics, and Glitch shines with a similar aesthetic of everyday diversity.
A Man Outside is a free, ten-minute vocab flashcard game with a creepypasta twist - an eerie shadow man is watching you from outside your bedroom window. The game: litrouke.itch.io/a-man-outside My review: digitalfantasydiary.com/2024/05/03/a...