
Maybe Rishi Sunak is running an experiment to see at what point someone on his staff will say 'I don't think that's a good idea, boss.'
Five weeks into a six week election campaign, and Rishi Sunak has yet to set out why he called an election now.
It does seem like madness that he didn't wait for either the inflation figures or for a Rwanda flight before asking for a further mandate. That he jumped ahead of those suggests that priority 1 was just leaving the job he must, by now, hate. But then why have a six-week campaign?
That's what I don't get either. If I were in his position, knowing that I would almost certainly lose the next election, I would stretch it out as long as possible while, I don't know, "representing" the UK at major cultural events and "showing the flag" at C'wealth countries with a decent climate.
One of the many weird things about him is that it is really hard to work out what he likes about the job and indeed what he actually *does* in office beyond micromanaging.
"I love that for youuuuuu" genius