
And now it is bedtime 😸
I'm feeling like Hubble understands how the end of my day went. I'm getting a 'Double Paw of Content'. Now, if the rando body cramps would stop, I could be content.
Hope the cramps get better! Those are no fun!
No they aren't. I think the ones in my hips are from the injury I got when just walking and I took a side step and something went POP! Ugg, Kali no like pain, pain hurts, Kali no want to hurt. 😜 The temp is 'hot' for us and the sun is really intense so I'll probably get a sunburn tomorrow. Le Sigh.
That is the thing, except for conduit receiving days, I'm outside very little. But being at 6500ft in the middle of Summer, just bringing that in I get burned pretty quickly. Damn my Scots ancestry.
Yeah, not enough air to block the sun!
The joys of living at 6k/ft+ of elevation. I'm debating on going in early tomorrow to finish the PVC conduit and then moving to the 770!!!!! of metal conduit before it gets hot enough to burn me. I got a burn, minor, from only a couple of sec contact yesterday.