Teton Kali

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Teton Kali


Fearful for the survival of Transgender humans like me. Hack photographer, astronomer, geologist. Mom to Hubble.
This needs to happen!
I think billboards highlighting each chapter of Project 2025 placed in specific locations. For example the chapter on gutting military benefits should have billboards on highways near big military bases. Plans for destroying Social Security have billboards all over in Arizona and Florida.
It just seems weird to me that there was a nice pass by the ISS at 00:24 this morning.
Well, the counter has started over...It has been 0 days since I got a bruise at work. At least 2 today. They were from UBEs, Unknown Bruising Event. As opposed to KBE, Known Bruising Event. 🥴
Well, somehow, I have reached 2 days without a new bruise from work!
Well I guess we will finally see if Trump is given a free pass tomorrow. If he gets full immunity I won't be surprised in the least. I hope Biden uses that new power well.
@saavikford.bsky.socialI'm not sure if I've ever asked you what your area of research is. (Bad Kali). What is your nook of research about? And I'm not being derogatory using 'nook' because the field is SO HUGE, literally! 🤣
💯 Agree. Other than a bit of rain/snow on 17 Jun, my area has been dry since May. And yes a week later we were very above average temp. #LivingInTheRockies
Hey @daryllmarie.bsky.social I haven't seen you recently. How are you doing? Anymore research trips?
Oh, in regards to my dry skin, I should mention that I have to wear work gloves, and I soak them with sweat within an hour and have wet gloves all day. And I do change gloves.
I have been using hand lotion very heavy for a few weeks; and yet my skin is still so dry that a super sticky Bandaid I put on a tricorn skin crack tried to peel of in an hour or so. And sadly to get that to heal I'm going to have to cut the margins a 2nd time. THAT HURTS!
CRAPCRAPCRAP!! I forgot there was an attempt to have the largest gathering of 'Butterflies' in town today. I wanted to go and join in. 😢
Reposted byAvatar Teton Kali
a bestie just lost her housing today, single mom w/two year old kid needs $250 to get the help she needs rn she is ashamed to be crowdfunding so i'm proxying it for her, plz send to heartpunk at cashapp or venmo i'll update as we approach or if we reach the goal PLEASE please boost if can't give
My own modest quickie shot of a couple of the Bighorn sheep from last Fall. They kept threatening to crack their heads but kept noping out of it. 🦊 #Mammals!
I live in Jackson and love going out on the refuge to watch the Bighorn. A great shot.
Bighorn ram at the National Elk Refuge, Wyoming. February, 2022. 🔗 https://www.allencompassingtrip.com/4040/bighorn-ram-at-the-national-elk-refuge 📷 Fujifilm X-T3 + XF100-400mmF4.5-5.6 R LM OIS WR 🎞 312 mm – 1/500″ – f/8 – ISO 500 #BighornSheep #Mammals #Photography #Wildlife
@ljrsocialworker.bsky.social How'd you do on your thesis? If you posted about it I missed it. 🤞
@clockworkbanana.fun How have you been doing. I've been a bit lapsed the past couple of weeks...new physically/mentally demanding job. I know NOTHING about electrical supply but that is my new job. And 1000ft 8 gauge copper is heavy AF. SO MUCH HEAVY COPPER.
I'm not kidding and I AM NOT asking for help because this is all me. Like I'm 55 and never dated because, well, until 2 years ago I was confused. If I went to an ER today, I'd be asked about all the bruises in various stages of healing that I get from work. 1/2
OK this was on my local station but this story on the BBC is worth a listen as well. It comes from the BBC about a group of 3 women trying to summit the 8000m summits. www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/w...
BBC World Service - Amazing Sport Stories: Copper Bullets, Chasing Mountains: Ep 1www.bbc.co.uk A near-death experience motivates a mountaineer to scale the world’s highest peaks
My brain is so mushy right now I couldn't perform simple math even with my calculator. 😬😖
I strongly advise listening to Science Friday today. They interview Lelia Philip about beavers. Her book and another one made me a Beaver Believer! Repopulate the beavers!🦫🦫🦫🦫🦫🦫🦫🦫🦫🦫🦫🦫🦫🦫🦫
Ugg, the bruising was so real today. At least 5, 3 of which really hurt! My knee and back got injured by wire spools. And my left arm from shoulder down to my wrist has multiple bruises of various sized from 'rigid' metal conduit. 🤬😭
A real honest question @rahaeli.bsky.social . I am on high dose steroids, currently 30mg daily down from 60mg. You really do know more than my PC. I'm at a job I sweat through my shirt within 2 hours. Should I look into hydration salts? I've drank 77oz 3x this week.
Really? No one is going to let me know if I'm less tepiding water temp or more tepiding it? I O r am I cooling? I guess I'm dissed tonight which is OK.
OK, I'm going to ask a confrontational question...if I start a shower at a tepid temperature (not hot not cool) and then decrease the temp, am I making it less tepid, more tepid, or just cooler?
@jenebbeler.bsky.social I grew up in FTW summers. I biked to downtown FTW in the record setting 1980 summer. 113F record (at the time) at noon, I mowed lawns. I am now getting my butt whipped by 80F with 'only' 40% humidity. I'd die down there now. I'mma WIMP!!!!
OK, I'm going to ask a confrontational question...if I start a shower at a tepid temperature (not hot not cool) and then decrease the temp, am I making it less tepid, more tepid, or just cooler?
OK, just watched the trailer for Red One. At least from the trailer it reminds me so much of Sluggy Freelance Holiday Wars. Start of the story: archives.sluggy.com/book.php?cha...
Sluggy Freelance Archives - Book 11: The Holiday Warsarchives.sluggy.com
All hail opticianry, opticianry is dead. Lenscrafters doesn't want opticians, they want "Eyecare Advisors". What crap. The number of times I had to educate one of their "eyecare advisors" was very sad. They were so uneducated in the field. So they got paid less.
@kerendith.bsky.social Are you still up or did you just get up?
I bought some strawberries at the grocery store yesterday...OMG they have flavor, a wonderful, wonderful flavor!