
Whether to laugh and cry? "Ministers prioritised driving in England partly due to conspiracy theories" "a significant shift in transport policy was guided at least in part by conspiracy theories"
Ministers prioritised driving in England partly due to conspiracy Exclusive: Documents show shift in transport policy influenced by unfounded fears about loss of freedom of movement in ‘15-minute cities’
Was it a lack of critical thinking in ministers, or pandering to the conspiracy driven sector that drove Brexit?
Social media has allowed Putin-backed populists to create a money-making coalition of fascists, racists, xenophobes, Libertarians, conspiracy-theorists, charlatans, grumps and the criminally gullible. The same thing has happened in several countries. Helped by incompetent oppositions and media.
We're going through this now. Last country I thought it could happen to
Yes. And now the same thing is happening even in Germany, where the former Merkel party has been taken over by a fascist leadership that panders to the AFD. A few weeks ago, it happened in Holland. It's an attack on European democracy, to weaken us from within. Let's hope we survive this. 😬
I have my doubts about that
Brexiters: How dare you say xenophobia was a motivation? We wanted to take back control... of what bloody forriners we want to allow in this country.
Yea, and most influenced by dark money and russian cash. The far right are let down by their greed. Some Italian politico caught out with his oil deal, bought oil shipment for €2 mill less than market price. Needs international binding regulation with stringent penalties. How with many #Fascists
the left position right now is "royally screwed"
The latter only occurs in the absence of the former. This batch of Tories playing at government lack any thinking faculties let alone critical ones.
And so it came to pass in the tiny country of New Zealand...
There too lie dullards and f**kwittery in positions of power. i grieve for my birth country and my adopted one.
Small people elevated above their small talents and tiny merits