Kate Mahoney

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Kate Mahoney


Southland-dwelling old lady, knitting, handspinning, one cat, NZ politics
Tangata Tiriti
Woke Leftie
New phone arrived today and when I took the old one out of the car to get the SIM, it had battery bloat which was obscured by the case shape. It would pay to check your phone for bloat quite frequently. Quite happy that although I had to buy a new phone, I still have an un-burned-down house.
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Time for an economics lesson.
Driving to Blenheim post the catastrophic Chch earthquake, the other side of SH1 was just one military truck after another heading south off the Aratere with for Canterbury. Imagine if that was yesterday.
Just glanced at the TV and a survivor dude was drinking water from a dead marmot's nipple
I'm pretty sure that if I used my next year's pension to buy a new car now, I'd be seriously short of something next year #nzpol
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Luxon is that stupid They were on a Fixed Price and Fixed Time Contract And the Koreans are NEVER late
Luxon: "there was lots of doubt about whether [the ferries] would actually be arriving on time" Somehow the government moves *even further to the back of the queue* than they already were Piss off that company by cancelling the contract last minute, then claim they're incompetent? GOOD MOVE #nzpol
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Reposted byAvatar Kate Mahoney
Can we just remember the last time National slashed Doc's budget with Jim Bolger and Cave Creek. Let that never happen again.
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This cunt has the audacity to talk about respecting contracts when they just cancelled the ferries?! He’s anxious about losing manufacturing but not skilled public servants, scientists, doctors, nurses, teachers, etc from his govt’s austerity?! Fuck you shame jones.
And again, not an English word: Wordle 1,090 3/6 🟩⬜⬜🟩⬜ 🟩⬜⬜🟩🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
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Tax cuts explained. Wins internet today 🏆 #NZPol
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This may come as a surprise to noone but civil servants in govt depts are being commanded not to use Te Reo Maori at work.
I'm really struggling with what's happening at my granddaughter's special needs unit. I feel like she's been abandoned just at a time when she was beginning to show signs of actually achieving at school. Not at her age level, but at least becoming more able.
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Hey NZ knitters- if you are able to knit with wool and volunteer your time and wool, Waikato paediatrics is appealing for garments for babies weighing 2-4kg. Patterns can be provided. DM for email details to link with the right person
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‘regulation is just another word for consumer protection’ This is why we have a minister of regulation who is slashing regulations left right and centre. #nzpol
In which I argue that regulation is just another word for consumer protection. Which we really do want.
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(The allegations of misuse of census and covid data are serious and should be investigated. But the PM directing Te Kawa Mataaho to inquire into a political party, something it has no jurisdiction over, is just fucking tyrannical)
Reposted byAvatar Kate Mahoney
They are not the solution
a reminder that $20 billion kiwi toy company zuru went to court and successfully got the names & details of former employees who dared to write "anonymous" reviews on glassdoor: www.webworm.co/p/glassdoor
Son-in-law has three different types of autoimmune arthritis, and needs codeine to sleep. New prescribing rules now mean he can't have any repeats so must return every month for a prescription. No exemptions for chronic pain conditions.
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Now there is a barbaric and violent bombardment on the Nuseirat area... May God protect us 🙏😥
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(clears throat) Let me be very clear and direct here: FUCK every single ghoul who has spread #vaccine misinformation over the past few years. Watch a child suffering from pertussis just once and it will change you. This is fucking preventable and these babies have no choice. They rely on us.
UK whooping cough death toll rises to 8, people urged to get vaccinesapple.news Since January there have been 4,793 confirmed cases of whooping cough, compared with 858 in the whole of 2023, with one academic describing the size of the current outbreak as 'alarming'.
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Just like the National Party, evidence of ACT Party dirty politics and criminal activities revealed from their own messages and communications leaked to journalists. Remember - Rimmer is responsible for the preventable death of every living being aboard Red Dwarf, except Lister and the cat.😱 #nzpol
Reposted byAvatar Kate Mahoney
This. What the fuck are they going to do with all that money anyway, once they've destroyed civilisation? Tax them now, while we still have a chance of rescuing something from the ashes they created.
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We can help people by helping them? Shocking!
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Don't worry, the wankers with power will be safe, as always.
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The government wants to allow Waikoropupu Springs to become contaminated.
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The Tino Rangatiratanga Flag badge that has been so popular since the election is back on TM, and it's for a great cause. www.trademe.co.nz/a/marketplac...
Burdensome to whom? I think we can all guess.
I'm not a trained ECE teacher, but I am a Playcentre mum currently studying the rules and regulations that govern our centres. For all of the policies I've read, I've never once thought 'well that one is pointless' or even 'seems mildly unreasonable'