
This is an All of The Republican Party Effort. Pappy Bush, Bush Junior, Trump. This is the end result of a GOP drive for absolute presidential power that started in the wake of Watergate.
Fucking MAGA Justices.
In Dark Money, by Jane Mayer, she says it started in the ‘30s.The rich began financing free, for credit law classes that equated money with rights. They financed free 2-week vacas that require justices to sit thru seminars that teach the same thing. RBG attended one. Generations of the rich did this
Added that to my "to-read" list.
Right, it bothers me when I see people say, "Oh, x former GOP leader wasn't this bad." Well, yeah, 3 ft from your house isn't far, either, but if you keep walking, you're going to end up someplace else, so it matters what direction you're walking in, and it's dangerous if you don't care.
The best you can say about any former GOP leader is that they didn't care where the party ended up as long as they got what they wanted during their tenure. (With the possible exception of Goldwater, who really did seem to get how awful getting in bed with the Christian Right was going to turn out.)
The worst you can say, of course, is that they love it here, which I imagine someone like Pat Buchanan does, protest as he might.
Turns out 2000 was the most important election of our lives
Yeah, it's kind of weird that the most outwardly insane and corrupt justices are from the "good" version of the GOP.
And Democrats helped through their inaction, and will be rewarded for it
This is a predictable result of liberalism itself, and not particularly an end result. It can't be due to a drive by the GOP because that doesn't explain why it's happening in the rest of the world.
"We ought to run the government like a business," said the imperious, entirely unaccountable business leaders
And not for nothing Mikey fucking Farris
Also the fault of Obama. He wrecked the Dems local election in 2012. TBH he was just a show man. Photo ops and smooth talking.