
the JP response to NA/EU getting mad about yasuke in ac: shadows has ranged from "it's not that serious. calm down" to a very sympathetic "wow it's a shame you don't know about yasuke he's very popular. maybe you will learn something."
funniest thing was seeing some dude ask a JP person how they felt about "DEI" in ac: shadows and their response was "we've seen nobunaga portrayed as a little girl and honda tadakatsu as a gundam. why are you so bothered?"
is this how I'm compelled to remember that nobunagun exists? because I had memory-holed that show
the fact that this isn't the only time he's been portrayed as a young girl is hilarious in and of itself
We don't get to escape the fact that Nobunagun happened in this, the same universe where we only got one season of Drifters
we all know how Tokugawa Ieyasu united Japan, and it was through a highly choreographed dance number to Hot Limit.
this is historical asscuracy
Almost bought the Figuarts for TMR in this outfit. Couldn't justify it though. We also know that Mori Ranmaru is the most twinkest twink.
hot limit is legendary..!! and honestly will be interested if ranmaru does show up?? i just wanna know if we're gonna see men loving men.. please ubi..
I mean, it is the history! RIGHT, UBI?! RIGHT?!
i wonder if the people mad at Assassins Creed have ever heard of Fate
see, they'd probably like Fate on the premise that almost everyone is a super cute girl lmao
who they'd get mad they can't date, eventually, lmao
People mad at Assassin's Creed have stop playing it (and paying for it) eons ago. They are no longer considered the target audience from my former employer. :)
but me.. the fresh new player.. i'm the target demographic and as long as the gameplay is bearable.. i'm excited..!!
I played about 20 minutes of one ages ago at a friend's and went "neat" and haven't touched them since, so I'm neither here nor there, lol. But the, ahem, discourse in this case has been... "interesting".
One of the first games I worked on was Bakumatsu Ishinden. This was how we portrayed Okita Soji, first captain of the Shinsengumi.
Because they cannot understand alternate perspectives.
They claim to care about Japanese culture being "colonized", but then don't give a shit about actual Japanese people who think they're being ridiculous.
that's just like when they fight over "localization" and it turns out it was exactly the same in the original, those aren't real reasons, they're just the stick they think they can beat you with
Because they don't care about actual colonization, they just care about their imaginary invented image of the pure anime japanese culture nothing more.
There is a manga with nobunaga where he befriends Stitch from lilo&stitch fame
white weebs finding out that Japan's pop culture loves Yasuke and constantly uses him as an example of a cool outsider who adopted Japanese tradition and thrived is so fucking funny to watch. Like, yea dudes, most non-insane Japanese people think he owned, it's a cool story!
yeah! he's v popular! it's so goofy to see them try and ask JP people how they feel about it when the response is like "we love it!" and them try to pivot the convo away to no effect lmao
I was explaining the drama to a friend in Japan because obviously she doesn't poison her brain like I do and her response was just 'lol people are only upset here because they didn't really show him fighting enough' the people crave Yasuke kicking ass
no one (gamers [negative]) is allowed to talk to me about yasuke unless they have a ph.d in japanese history and focused on the warring states period i don't have the emotional energy to argue with those stupid chuds today
Yasuke in Nioh 2 versus Yasuke in AC is such a weird drama gap
it's def bc yasuke is an MC and not a side character. and Nioh is way less popular by comparison to AC. there are a lot of factors with all of these things boiling down to racism.
For sure, if he was a side character the racist whining would probably way less prominent (but probably not totally gone). I do think it's weird they thought Japan was going to be on their side at all, but research isn't exactly a strong suit amongst that crowd
I find that more often than not when I discuss things with my Japanese family that the reaction is overwhelmingly “ they’re ( white boys) are mad about what now ? “
yeah I was noting the other day how weird it was that this was only getting controversial now, given all of his past appearances:
You'd think that with the number of times that Yasuke has already been depicted in pop culture, that people would be used to him, and thus wouldn't get upset by Assassin's Creed joining the list, but ah well, I guess not:
Unfortunately the most ignorant of Americans are also the loudest (see the former POTUS) so I hope in Japan they don’t think the small number of people who are like OMG NO WAY don’t speak for the rest of us who know he was a famous samurai.
A lot of insecure dudebros showing their whole asses over this 😅🙃