
My first response to anything at all is usually "I must research this" and boy howdy does that make cookouts awkward.
"She's got a touch of the 'tism," as my friends might say.
My friends are kind people.
Kind people say they're autistic with pride! And then it's always a massive anticlimax when someone gets a formal diagnosis of some form of neurodivergence, and everyone else yawns, "Yes, well, *obviously*."
Not so much on the spectrum as just dabbling in hues?
I had an ex who would get annoyed at my curiosity and need to verify info, and once he actually yelled at me, "Do you have to know everything?!" And like... yes. 🤷🏻‍♀️
People just walking around saying shit without citations??? In this economy???
Haha you and me both, but I love chatting with someone and getting sucked down “let’s find out” rabbit holes! Can’t understand why that’s not fun for everyone. 😬
If there's one good thing about having bouts of insomnia in this day and age, it's that 3:30 am is a great time to dive down rabbit holes. Last year, I learned so much more about the song "Ça plane pour moi" and its twin "Jet Boy Jet Girl." How did I survive before the Web?
My uncle: "EVs are actually worse for the environment. Do you know how the mine lithium?" Me: No, let's find out. The next half hour: not fun.
☝️🧐 <- pedant mode on * Many analyses have been done and it turns out the shitty lithium mining is less bad than the shitty gas burning * coming soon: sodium ion batteries!! Much less shitty! Hopefully!!
(Source: getting nerdy with research a few months ago)
Partner and I will often be talking about random stuff before we turn out the lights and one of us will have to roll over and grab a phone to look something up. I love it!
Less awkward than in the old days when you'd have to either run to a reference book or sit there paralyzed by a lack of data. Now we can just look stuff* up on pocket computers! *Boolean operators are crucial here, esp -Ai results