
I think working for abortion funds for the past six years is a crash course in holding on to hope and rejecting nihilism through the worst of times
I live in Texas & I still try to educate & convince people to vote or explain perspective in trying to flip voters w/every chance I’m given. I’ve done so many times before & will continue to b/c I refuse to give up. For me, hope is necessary.
It certainly tempers your perspective! Used to do this but my hardest days were a breeze compared to what you so nobility do!🥰😍🤩😘🫂 Thank you for being a warrior. You have renewed the fight in this old dawg! Big hugs,RESPECT & love!🤩😋🥰💙💙💙💙💕 I appreciate you & ready to get up fighting again tomorrow
Six years? More PHD than crash course! You’ve done so much good.
I've done some fundraising for various abortion funds/NNAF and you're doing the real work out here, sincerely thank you