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Cloud engineer and apathy enthusiast
make a band milder Metallicish
make a band milder electric night light orchestra
I'm not sure how it happened, but like 90% of my feel here is law related.
This whole goddamn thing is bananas. Qu'est-ce que le fuck, indeed.
lemme break it down so the judge had an ex-parte meeting with a witness and the prosecution without informing the defense. this, in layman's terms, is a no-no. the defense found out about this meeting and asked, on the record in open court, (paraphrased) "qu'est-ce que le fuck?"
Avatar Unless you got super into crypto today, I think your twitter account has been compromised.
Biden should build an entire ad campaign around this photo.
Reposted byAvatar keddren
From LinkedIn; it’s what we’ve all been thinking. No strategy, just a panic to be first to market. For a product category next-to-no end user even wants!
Reposted byAvatar keddren
I can lawsplain all day, I can pontificate and explicate and cite statues and cases and constitutions, but if you are too fucking stupid to know that calling the cops on someone can result in charges, there’s nothing I can do for you. You are beyond my capacity to educate.
Watching people gleefully trade Musk for Zuck is fucking surreal, lemme tell ya.
"I haven't logged into Destiny in a hot minute, I should see what's up there. *Spends the next two hours fishing* "What the fuck is this game?"
Jesus christ, these drunk morons.
It's Ryan Davis Day. Sit on a cake in his memory.
Well, I guess I'll be posting here more. Apologies in advance.
Seems weird here, but I dig it.
End of feed.