
Please tell me again that the current state of environmental collapse is due to whether or not I manage to successfully shave a fraction off my carbon footprint this year.
The ultra-wealthy will often take whole fleets of cars with them when they travel, loading vehicles, along with motorbikes and other toys, onto chartered cargo aircraft that follow their private jets. This is how they do it:
The CNN post has a picture showing a very fancy teal car being loaded into a box with the headline of the article about rich people shipping their cars everywhere.
That we allow the existence of billionaires is a failure of society
Notice how it’s framed as “hey, interesting fact” rather than “fuck these people let’s sink their fancy cars in the ocean.”
...that's a drop of the $54 trillion that's moved from the 90% to the 1% post-reagan... what a disgusting waste of resources.
Look, if you’d only start using paper straws climate change would be sorted.
The real problem is my insistence on having a working asthma inhaler!If I just didn't care about breathing, the world would be better off!
The Glass Onion was just too damn real.
Clearly the problem is that you and I just buy too many lattes.
Take away our caffeine. That's going to end badly for them.
Me without coffee:
That looks like they were aiming for SPG
You can tell summer has arrived in my town when the gigantic German "overlanders" arrive. Camperized , garbage-truck-sized behemoths, complete with German plates. They've been shipped over here. Not even to the Atlantic coast of North America - this is the PACIFIC. i fucking loathe them
Yep. Tell me again that my adoption and use of a low flow showerhead/faucet is essential.
Also as I struggle to pay monthly bills etc. super helpful this article is
Yes, please tell me again how my book purchasing habits are ruining the planet.
Or you could just rent what you need at your destination. Even if I owned this year's Vette, I sure as hell wouldn't want to drag it across the ocean or drive it through the streets of London or Tokyo. Anymore than my 9yo Ford, I wouldn't want it out of the driveway/garage if I left home w/o it. 1/2
Then again, I grew up poor and have a problem with wasting money even if I had lots of it. Silly me. Being practical.
Drink through your crumbling paper straw, you selfish ingrate!
Maybe try eating only freeze dried foods to eliminate the need for that extravagant refrigerator. You’ll save on the electric bill too.
These fucks get a private jet to shift in their seats, my kid gets a mushy lollipop stick so he can save the planet
Screw it. Beer bottles out of the recycle bin and into the trash.
This is like a carbon snowangel, not a footprint.
These people simping on the rich so bad, not realizing how awfully arrogant this sort of behavior is when people are starving and climate change is a pressing issue.
IKR? I am for everyone trying to chip down the problem the best they can without self-harm, but JFC is there some low-hanging fruit getting ignored.
And like, it's gotta be cheaper to just buy a luxury car wherever tf you're going, and pay to store it when you're not there. No uber-rich person is going to jail in another country for expired tags or no local license. Yet, I don't know if this is an ego flex, or thinking of cars as live pets.