
students use AI to generate essays; educators use AI to grade itā€¦ AI that is built on the backbone of stolen data and packaged as a shiny EdTech tool that educational institutes have to pay a fortune forā€¦ folks, do you see who benefits from all of this?
No matter who says that these tools arenā€™t intended to replace teachers or how many times itā€™s said, thatā€™s exactly what will happen. (Or it will be used as a justification for eliminating teacher jobs because now teachers can ā€œgradeā€ more efficiently)
Thereā€™s an 80s movie where they show a lecture theatre full of students and, as term progresses, more and more students are replaced by tape recorders. Eventually the professor is replaced with a reel-to-reel tape machineā€”there are no real people there at all! This the future #AI companies envisage.
Itā€™s a stupid movie, but that part was surprisingly prophetic.
The movie was loosely based on Caltech. I think that scene referred to the indifference at the time of many of the faculty to teaching. I was there around that time. Attendance at lectures at poorly taught classes fell through the quarter. We relied on notes taken by the friends who did attend.
But yeah even though it was sort of a parody of an actual situation at the time, that scene ended up being kind of prophetic.
Same situation, different technology I guess.
Exactly, though as I remember it the faculty member was the last one to be replaced, before which he is lecturing to a room full of tape recorders! (A bit like teaching on Zoom šŸ˜‰)
I think that that was also a Doonesbury cartoon (?)
We have too few protopian stories about Humanity in the mid to late 21st century.