Keith Wilson 💭

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Keith Wilson 💭

Assistant Professor of Philosophy and Co-Director of Cognitive Science at UCD 🇮🇪. Father of #LittleHuman. Former computer programmer and sound engineer. Mostly vegan. Maintains various #philosophy feeds.👇 (he/they) 🏳️‍🌈 🇺🇦 
Key caps shortcut for Outlook in Browser ⌘A -- Archive message ⌘T -- Move message to trash Just plain capital A -- Archive next two messages You looked at the X key -- Delete everything and close tab
Submitting an invoice to a UK university It's like submitting a tax return by shoving your receipts in a sealed bottle and optimistically flinging it into the sea Then, months later, another bottle washes up where you're standing, with a note demanding a copy of your passport
Compare and contrast…
Sexually Suggestive
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AI art empowers people with no imagination to realize their non-vision in the laziest, worst way possible
Except this is deserved. 😂 #LiarJohnson
Academic conference-attendees everywhere find themselves involuntarily wincing in sympathy.
Whoever designed #UCD’s Newman Arts Building didn’t reckon with the local seagull population…
If anyone can stop the Republican Party it’s #LizTruss. Maybe this is how she “saves the West”? #RNC
Like a harbinger of doom, Liz Truss has arrived at the RNC.
#SocialMedia used to be a way of connecting with friends and like-minded others, but has now become a morass of click-bait, advertising and trolling—at least on the major platforms. Maybe time to try something different?
Woke up to JD Vance's "joke" about how the election of a Labour government makes the UK the first Islamist nuclear power
Vance has pledged to use state power to also go after foundations and universities he disagrees with by removing their nonprofit tax status.
J.D. Vance on Ford Foundation: "We Are Actively Subsidizing The People Who Are Destroying This Country" J.D. Vance, Republican candidate for U.S. Senate from Ohio, appeared on 'Tucker Carlson Tonight' on Wednesday and reacted to fracas at the "Multicultural Center" at the Arizona State University. Two students with "Police Lives Matter" stickers triggered the ire of a female student of color, a Ford Foundation fellow, that admonished them for being there. Carlson said that this student is just one of many that are scholars of Ford Foundation, a non-partisan with tax-exempt status. "Through its program of fellowships, the Ford Foundation seeks to increase the diversity of the nation's college and university faculties by increasing their ethnic and racial diversity, maximize the educational benefits of diversity, and increase the number of professors who can and will use diversity as a resource for enriching the education of all students," reads the description for the fellowship program. "AOC talks about taxing the wealthy, but the Harvard University endowment pays zero tax," Vance said. "The Ford Foundation that funds those radicals pays zero tax. They are not actually going to tax their wealthy friends who are funding radical left-wing ideology." "This ideology is going to destroy our country," he said. "It gets special tax privileges from the American taxpayer to do that." "We are talking about hundreds of billions of dollars in ill-gotten accumulated wealth," Vance said on FOX News. "It serves as a tax haven for left-wing billionaires and what do they do with this? They fund critical race theory, they fund ridiculous racism, they fund teaching 6-year-olds that they should, you know, cast off their gender. We are actively subsidizing the people who are destroying this country, and they call it a charity." VANCE: The basic way this works is that the Ford Foundation, the Gates Foundation, the Harvard University endowment, these are fundamentally cancers on American society, but they pretend to be charities, so they benefit from preferential tax treatment. So AOC talks about taxing the wealthy, but the Harvard University endowment pays zero tax. The Ford Foundation that funds those radicals pays zero tax. They are not actually going to tax their wealthy friends who are funding radical left-wing ideology. What they're going to do is tax normal Americans and protect their friends, protect their special privileges so they have the resources to continue to fund what is ultimately the destruction of our country. This ideology is going to destroy our country. It gets special tax privileges from the American taxpayer to do that. Of course the left-wing radicals are not going to talk about it because they care more about identity politics than lifting up the American worker. And these foundations are the ultimate institutions of identity politics. When you think about it, this is crazy, Tucker. We are talking about hundreds of billions of dollars in ill-gotten accumulated wealth. It serves as a tax haven for left-wing billionaires and what do they do with this? They fund critical race theory, they fund ridiculous racism, they fund teaching 6-year-olds that they should, you know, cast off their gender. We are actively subsidizing the people who are destroying this country, and they call it a charity. It's just ridiculous.
This summer I will be supporting the Mongolian Olympic team because this is their uniform and it is a thousand times better than anything Nike has ever made.
“Only time will tell if this new government can deliver the change it has promised, but the change for civil servants has already happened. We feel seen, we feel valued and we’re ready to get to work.” #UKPolitics #LabourGovernment
New government brings new hope for civil Just a week into the new administration, there’s already an unfamiliar optimism radiating through government offices
If you cannot let go of Xitter, at least consider automatically posting your stuff here on bsky as well. #philsky #philmind #consci
Can anyone recommend any good resources/essays/lists of advice on running a (small) research team and designing projects with this in mind, especially from a humanities perspective? I’d like to get better at this for the sake of student RAs and for the sake of my research.
If you are paying attention to bird flu, we have gone from counting infected cows to counting infected people
Did you know that most AI captions don't meet accessibility requirements? Our accessible captions consider things like line length, lines per caption block, reading speed & speaker differentiation. Request a no-obligation quote today at 📺 #EthicalAlternativeToAI
It turns out there is a way to get rid of the slight greenish cast on the new #iPadPro display. Go to Settings > Accessibility > Display. Enable Colour Filters, choose Colour Tint, reduce Intensity to minimum, and adjust Hue to correct the white balance. Hey presto! #Apple #iPad
It's the final of the Euro today, England is playing with Spain. Meanwhile in Scotland:
Whenever people say "future historians will have a lot to write about our current times" I always think it's bold to assume there will be a future let alone historians
It’s very normal and healthy to not have an opinion on everything.