
I’m in depression/anxiety hell because I’m flying to Chicago tomorrow to see my dad in his house one last time before they move him to the memory clinic
Nothing bad will happen on the trip but it’s one step closer to him just being totally gone
Alzheimer’s is such a bitch to grieve. The person withers away, there’s no one moment to say, “My sadness is now valid”
Oh wow, perfectly said. It’s such a hard thing to go through for everyone involved. I’m so sorry you’re going through this with your dad. Lost my mom to it last fall, and it truly is heartbreaking. From someone who’s been there: your sadness is always valid. ❤️‍🩹
Above all, be kind to yourself. There will be moments where you wish it was over already. It made me feel like a ghoul and a jerk, but it is an absolutely normal feeling to have, especially once they get past what you know they’d consider a good quality of life.