
I have actually considered doing an IRL/mail art-adjacent round robin with perfume samples for my fellow perfume nerds.
I'm getting caught up on email & had a list of little fun (some more than others) ideas at the end of last week's newsletter & one of the suggestions was "Host a perfume sample swap" & I'd love to do a Bluesky version of this, if I could figure out a good way to make it work.
Back in my nail blogging days we'd do this a lot! It was a lot of fun tho managing the spreadsheets is a lot of work
My notion was get, like 10 "players." Send out 50 samples to the first person on the list. They have 2 weeks from when they receive the samples to swap out as many as they want. They then send to the second person, who has 2 weeks, etc. At the end of 20ish weeks, it comes back to Player #1.
Problem is, you know it will get stuck somewhere. (And, in fairness, if I weren't Player #1, "somewhere" would be with me.)