
The US has military bases in 80 countries and a habit of trying to overthrow governments it doesn't like. If you're terrified of what's happening and are certain the worst is coming, well I hate to tell you - you aren't going to be able to escape it by fleeing.
I don't know if Canada is still on everyones "I'm fleeing to" list but the far right is making inroads there as well and also they're heavily intertwined with the US economy.
It’s a lesser of two evils thing though. No one wants to leave; some of us are deeply worried though that we may have to. I can’t conceive a country that’s implemented Project 2025 as being a safe country to be Jewish in. I imagine many other minorities feel similarly.
Conceive of*, rather. Sorry for the typo. 🙂
It's volunteering to be a resident of a country where you inherently have fewer rights and many OTHER countries are tilting extreme right. It's not just a US phenomenah.
Yeah, I know. It’s depressing every way you look at it.
like, look up Pierre Poilevre for starters