
Biden doing everything he can help Israel finish its genocide of Gaza.
Ken really is one of the only journalists still doing actual work in this whole country. Wild. Thanks, Ken.
Ready to sacrifice American lives so Israelis don't. How much is AIPAC paying for this? $$/body?
To protect them from Israel?
Now that I thibk about it Probably to protect regime from uprising
Shame on Biden for blindly supporting an Apartheid regime and a land-grabber. The lies and hypocrisy are nauseating. If I ever had any respect for Biden, it's all gone.
I have grudgingly learned to measure my response against what I can't see and don't know. We all have knee-jerk responses. Emotional times tbh.
The US has blindly supported Israel since 1967. The rich & powerful Israeli lobby AIPAC controls many politicians, who are literally bought. It's not normal for a foreign lobby group to have so much political & social power (look at how they've silenced anyone who disagrees with Israel).
It would be hard to disagree with the price ascertained that has been placed and paid by those described here. The value derived for the USA, through a combination of a platform in the region and a ready ally, is much more difficult unless privy to all aspects of defense. Maybe we should ask Jared.