
“Now is the moment for Britain to choose its future, to decide whether we want to build on the progress we have made or risk going back to square one” I liked square one. I could get a GP appointment the next day. I could drink tap water. I could work in the EU without a visa. #VoteSquareOne
It does beg the question - do any of these guys remember 2010 and what specifically do they think is better about where we are now? What actual progress? If this is the actual election pitch, we might not have fully priced in a complete Tory annihilation…
The progress? In the last 14 years? I suppose if you're super rich, there's progress in your wealth...
Their project has come along nicely: the police have had a massive turnover in workforce so "policing by consent" has been weakened pretty hard, effective political protest is now treated the same as rioting, Voter suppression methods have been increased on the US model Judiciary are cowed etc