Kent Stråhlén

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Kent Stråhlén

Product Manager, lover of classical music and bicyclist. My blog:
Finally saw Mahler's 2nd symphony live! So many performers they hardly all fit.
Just finished The Gathering Storm. Book 12 of The Wheel of Time. Contender for best book I have ever read!
Listening to Pettersson symphony 6 and symphony 8. New composer to me (embarassing as I am Swede), but absolutely awesome music!
Ran across this box by chance. Muti conducting Verdi and other italian composers. Pure gold. Toscanini level performances!
HiFi bliss. Respighi Beliks, Queen of Sheba - suite on Reference Recordings. Great music, epic sound.
This will be interesting. Beethoven symphony no 5 sitting behind the orchestra.
Brahms 4th racket. Very nice high fidelity transfer.
This brings back many memories. Kamu was the chief conductor in Helsingborg in the 1990s. I visited many memorable concerts, among them a Beethoven 7th I still have not heard any recording come close to. I am not familiar enough with this work to say if it is the best, but a vey enjoyable recording.
#MathSky #physics We can learn a lot from the French. I wonder why they stopped this practice? It probably was just too expensive. It surely can't have been for health reasons.
Just created a "Classical Music" list from people I follow. The process is a bit tedious, needing six clicks per person unless I've missed a simpler way, but it's done.
Classical Music
People who post mostly about classical music. I'm most likely to notice posts in English and German, but other languages aren't excluded if I can understand enough to tell what they're about.
Tell us a perfect album that came out when you were 16.
Tell us a perfect album that came out when you were 16.
det absolut sjukaste med tvåstegsverifiering är, förutom hur sjukt störigt det är, hur värdelösa data det skyddar. tvåstegsverifiering till jobbets teams-sida? asså don’t flatter yourself, inte ens folk som de facto HAR BETALT för att logga in orkar rota i skräpet som ligger där.
Today it is exactly 166 years since the premiere of Liszt's Dante symphony. Sure in 500 years it will be a better annaversary with 666 number if the beast years. I won't be alive then so I celebrate with listening to some Inferno today with the CD I would play if Lucifer dropped in for a coffee.
Many people regard Liszt as trash. I guess my taste is really bad because he is one of my favourite composers. I listened through a couple of versions of Mazeppa on Presto today. The sound of Weimar was way to slow. The Masur is a good interpretation but my choise today is Mehta. Boy does he get it!
Sexually Suggestive
Labeled by Bluesky Moderation Service
I can't stop laughing. Who gave the OK to go with this cover? 😅
Currently listening to Mussorgsky's "A Night on the Bare Mountain" and the album art for this CD is really something. Looks like an angry birdman who has frames stuck on his wing. It's from the Montreal Symphony Orchestra conducted by Charles Dutoit and the CD was published by Decca Music in 1987.
This evenings entertainment. Muti is a conductor that kind of flew under my radar when I was younger. A mistake it turns out. The Tchaikovsky second in this box is probably the best version of this symphony I've heard.
My other half is strange: he doesn't do music, but has somehow learnt to identify when it's the BBC Symphony Orchestra playing a piece of music. Even as a musician, I don't quite get how he does it.
Exakt min reaktion när jag såg Figaros bröllop i våras. 'Är det Stefan och Christer som skrivit manus?'
I'm watching a production of Cosi (from Zurich with a young Camarena). Such glorious music; such a problematic plot.
It is such a nice experience when you after having struggled with a piece you suddenly 'get' it.
Listening (and performing) new music is important not only because it challenges (though in different ways) both the audience and the musicians, but because it creates a perspective; it might be comforting to dwell in the unchangeable past, but we should never cease to look forward. #classicalmusic
Todays classical recording. Borodins second starts with a bang, a really powerful movement.
There was once a clinical study of the healing power of Spanish opera. The control group listened to Placebo Domingo.
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Advertise your account with just one image.
I'm even simpler :-) This movie was what got me into classical music.
Yeah, I'm a simple person ;)
I have nothing to complain about the music itself on this album, but can someone explain the cover art? How did the reasoning go? - 'Let's put a discolored painting of Tschaikowksy in the middle of a field for no particular reason'. #uglyclassicalcoverart #tschaikowsky
Post your bluesky name and bio in ai and see what it makes of it. Not bad, not vad armt all.
Recording of the day. Mahler Symphony No 5. Not only is a very good version it is a pleasure from Hi-Fi standpoint too.
Reskeet Five flawless musical pieces: Strawinsky - The Rite of Spring Mahler - 6th Symphony Tschaikovsky - 4th Symphony Paganini - Violin Concerto no. 1 Beethover - Choral Fantasy
Reskeeta med fem perfekta operor! - Barberaren i Sevilla - Carmen - Figaros bröllop - Valkyrian - Askungen