
It’s hard to ignore that there’s a class of cranky commentariat that was upset that kids changed norms and had too much sex and then became upset that kids changed norms and had not enough sex and it’s becoming to look kind of unsettlingly preoccupied
In all seriousness, if the kids are having less sex it's more likely because they have a radically different understanding of consent than we did — and that's GREAT.
I know we're all enjoying a wonderful pile-on today, but lack of sex/relationships is pretty obviously a factor in incel culture — hence the name — and I see no reason why that radicalizing dynamic couldn't impact people in other political spaces.
Is there any reliable evidence that incels are a group who were previously having a satisfactory amount of sex, but are not under current social/political conditions, as opposed to a group finding new ways to express grievance about not having enough sex?
I don't think anybody was suggesting that. Young people in general are having less sex.
Oddly, multiple other people think you were suggesting that, which to me means that whatever you were trying to say didn't land.
Oh, boy! You sure showed me. I'm really excited to be on this new social media platform that isn't confrontational and toxic like Twitter.
“I know we're all enjoying a wonderful pile-on today . . . “ I mean . . . .
Yeah, and now I'm a target for it.
It looks to me like an example of the motte-and-bailey fallacy. Fun.
Lonliness can make people vulnerable to right-wing radicalization. It's not unreasonable to think that it could also make people vulnerable to left-wing radicalization. I don't know how to say any more plainly.
Where are the stats on this? I see it written as objective truth all the time, but rarely see studies on how much young people bang.
So the article in question cites a couple studies the show a sharp increase in people reporting having less sex in 2021 and posits the pandemic as being a “contributing” factor. The global health crisis…. Remembering the endless articles about hookup culture in the 2010s, I’m deeply skeptical.
Skepticism is good. I think there's a general, widespread rise in loneliness. I'm not sure exactly how you can measure that accurately, but it's probably reasonable to act like it's true.
Certainly couldn't have anything to do with 2020&2021 being deep in a pandemic, with colleges being largely remote, bars and restaurants closed or takeout-only, and other social events where people meet each other also not happening.
That's addressed in the piece.
I firmly want to believe, without evidence, that incels know that no self respecting woman would have sex with someone with their beliefs and that is what makes them so mad
I can not think of a time when the government catering to feckless men's desire to rape rather than woo has ever made things better for the population taken as a whole. Granted I am not a historian.
And, from the evidence not all "incels" are not having sex. Several are quite forward in making it plain they are in relationships, which aren't abstinent. That's quite apart from the idea them being shitheads no one wants to fuck is a "social problem" in need of resources.
I think loneliness in general is a social problem, and incel ideology is just one of the ways that it manifests itself.
Are you looking for circumstantial or eyewitness evidence?