
It’s hard to ignore that there’s a class of cranky commentariat that was upset that kids changed norms and had too much sex and then became upset that kids changed norms and had not enough sex and it’s becoming to look kind of unsettlingly preoccupied
In all seriousness, if the kids are having less sex it's more likely because they have a radically different understanding of consent than we did — and that's GREAT.
It’s like they didn’t want these students to be having sex with other students, but they DID want them to at least feel obligated to fuck their professors
I wish someone would explain how these adults with other jobs seem to know how much sex college kids are having at all? Like I didn't know in a general sense when I was one have haven't had any idea in the decades since?
Big warning- item three on syllabus... Weekly Contact session- "any local Pub. "
When I was in college last I knew a 20 year old who had sex with a middle aged professor. She said the only reason she agreed to it was because she figured he would be more experienced, so the sex would be better. It… wasn’t, according to her.
You don’t say. (The number of threads I saw on Twitter on whether it was acceptable for profs to have relationships with [grad] students was disheartening, with sides forming about as one would expect based on age & gender.)
I don't have kids but I feel like if someone is this obsessed with their children's sex lives, someone needs to check their hard drive.
When Antioch College put together its SOPP that was based around consent in 1992, pundits complained that "it was the death of sex on campus." To which my fellow students & I looked at each other & said, "Uh, WHAT death of sex on campus."
Also, I was on ABC News in 1993 discussing the SOPP and that's why I was portrayed by Shannen Doherty on Saturday Night Live. YOU'RE WELCOME.
There seems like a surprisingly large class of people that think that teen sex should be exclusively done in the back of a large sedan or station wagon and not necessarily with consent And I mean I owned a car that you could father and raise a family in but let's be honest a bed is still better
It's depressing how many people my age (Xennial) and older have a "losing my virginity" story that's really the story of a rape. The only heartening thing is that I can now recognize that, and that a lot of kids have always been able to tell the difference.
Yeah that sucks -- I am still in touch with the first woman I slept with and we're still close because we actually loved each other but there are so many stories that are justifying it
LOL I won't get into the weeds about why things didn't work out but I always wonder how it would have worked if we got married
Mine was 100% mutually consensual (believe it or not back in the dark ages of Reagan we understood consent & had places to do it besides a back seat) I'm friends on FB (old ppl, amirite?) + pretty sure she's MAGA-adjacent case in point why you shouldnt necessarily marry 1st person u have sex with
Or even if it's consensual how it just fucking sucked. I think it'd be better for everyone emotionally if we waited until like, 20 to have sex.
Doing some quick math, I think only about 20% of the women I know well had a consensual experience, and even among that it was only a net positive for like, two of them.
Also without access to contraception.
The Pill was around since the early 60s, though condoms tended to be behind drugstore counters until the 80s when herpes and AIDS made them much more accessible. It was a lot of what catalyzed the Sexual Revolution, in addition to just the boomer generation being in their 20s and horny.
The proper technocratic response to this is to set up a teen pregnancy federal reserve. When we have runaway teen pregnancy inflation, the federal reserve dumps a lot of contraceptives into the market. If teen pregnancy is in a recession, the reserve starts buying back the contraceptives.
Of course, we can’t just rely on the teen pregnancy rate as those are going to have seasonal and local distortions, like when the Eras tour passes through towns. We need to also take into account signals like college campus protests and volume of incel member sizes on VDare forums.
If they’re incels, I don’t see why their member sizes are relevant.
The kids need to have the amount of sex specified in The Big Book Of Adults, chapter 18, section 13, paragraph 2 Any other amount must be responded to with grumbling.
The grumbling will continue until teen sex intensifies
I suspect far too many of them think that college kids should primarily be having sex with older people in the commentariat class.
not to mention the vast amounts of sex had in germany before the nazi's took power. Does he think that stopped and Hitler saw his opportunity??
Hitler -> Volkswagen -> Love Bug -> hey hey hey Wasn't that the message of the VW Super Bowl commercial? I might be misremembering.
And I have a feeling they might still disapprove of how promiscuous we gays can be, despite having just called for the straight kids to fuck more.
i suspect it’s barely-sublimated resentment that the shit they got away with as pre-2010s professors just doesn’t fly anymore, coupled with barely-sublimated terror that that shit will all eventually come out.
Oh NoOoOo! MiLLeNniALs KiLLeD aPpLeBeE’s AnD gEn Z iS KiLLiNg TrOjAn.
There are thousands of college students camping out together in tents right now, and some people still think that it's somehow a boffing-free environment
Genuinely, I doubt much has changed about how often anyone is having sex. Just the way we go about it is different and someone's grandpa is mad.
The data on sex shows large changes over time, actually. Kids are waiting longer, having less sex, and fewer kids
Well fewer kid certainly makes sense. Frankly with the costs in this country, Im surprised people are having as many kids as they are. Being in a kink-postitive community, Im probably in an echo chamber about how much sex people are having, most not making kids haha
I know we're all enjoying a wonderful pile-on today, but lack of sex/relationships is pretty obviously a factor in incel culture — hence the name — and I see no reason why that radicalizing dynamic couldn't impact people in other political spaces.
Is there any reliable evidence that incels are a group who were previously having a satisfactory amount of sex, but are not under current social/political conditions, as opposed to a group finding new ways to express grievance about not having enough sex?
I don't think anybody was suggesting that. Young people in general are having less sex.
Oddly, multiple other people think you were suggesting that, which to me means that whatever you were trying to say didn't land.
Oh, boy! You sure showed me. I'm really excited to be on this new social media platform that isn't confrontational and toxic like Twitter.
It looks to me like an example of the motte-and-bailey fallacy. Fun.
Where are the stats on this? I see it written as objective truth all the time, but rarely see studies on how much young people bang.
I firmly want to believe, without evidence, that incels know that no self respecting woman would have sex with someone with their beliefs and that is what makes them so mad
I think a lot of people are having less sex and feeling lonely. Incel ideology is just one of the ways the impact of that can manifest itself.