
The Onion called, they want their headline back.
In fact the funniest Onion headline ever, back in the day, was just a pic of Jim McGreevey with the caption "Homosexual Tearfully Admits to Being Governor of New Jersey"
Discovery in that case would be wild. They would have the authority to get his ex wives to testify free from their NDAs, right?
I'm sceptical this is a serious lawsuit, I think it's either Trump talking shit or a PR move. He hasn't got any evidence to disprove the allegation.
None of Trump's lawsuits are serious. He's lived his life assuming no one will stand up to him. But now, there's plenty of interest from lawyers who can, and will, fight him, and it's proving beneficial to be seen as standing up to him, so his strategy doesn't work and he doesn't have another.
except not the dead one who made the claim, so...sad face
The current survivors, anyway.
It wouldn't get to discovery. He's been duly adjudicated as being liable for sexual assault and that's going to be enough to tank any "I'm not a rapist" suits.
NAL, but I'm pretty sure there's been plenty of precedent for "based on a true story" docudramas to play fast and loose with the facts in the name of infotainment, even when real people are used as characters. And in this case, very little artistic license is needed given the legal record.
Everybody knows that when Law and Order episodes are “ripped from the headlines” that means Law and Order is a news magazine, like 60 Minutes, which is why everything on Law and Order should be treated as fact. Just like L&O, everything at Cannes should be factual. The Fairness Doctrine demands it.
Let's sing Memories in honor of the giant Streisand Effect that Trump is now initiating. What a dummy.
Sebastian Stan finally gets recognition and it's on a lawsuit.. Guy can't catch a break
“As with the illegal Biden Trials, this is election interference by Hollywood elites…” Can’t wait for Jack Smith’s next Pixar project
These days, I miss Terry Pratchett's Discworld.
A threat not seen since Jerry West threatened to sue all the way to the Supreme Court over 'Winning Time."
Really, you couldn't ask for better publicity. Streisand effect in action.
Golly - convicted sexual predator doesn't like his own ugly past BEING BROUGHT TO EVERYONE'S ATTENTION
Ngl, I’m more interested in his scalp reduction surgery.