
Every day I am reminded how urgent it is that I need to publish my big Bitcoin mining climate impacts update
Stop worrying about the environmental impacts of AI - the answer to that is just to stop worrying about the environmental impacts of solar, wind, nuclear, batteries and power lines KINDA SENSING A THEME HERE
"mandate a zero carbon grid then get out of the way of building things" truly amazing hand waving here "look just solve the problem then it'll be solved. what's so hard? why can't you let me get back to wasting everyone's time and resources?"
Please publish that analysis Ketan! What the heck else you got to do? 🤓 Seriously, we need it.
Some more info in the latest IEA elec report
Data centre expansion generally and AI / crypto power greed specifically are both key drivers in their projected rising electricity demand. All those renewables could be cutting down on fossil fuel output. But they're meeting power demand from new shithouse chatbots and financial scams, instead.
With crypto and nft and now this shit... It's like someone is utterly desperate to keep all the processing wheels spinning uselessly to prevent all that computing power from doing ... Something
Socialism could respond to this, but capitalism is structurally unable to. “Externalities” to a capitalist are just social, environmental etc. costs to burden the public with so they don’t affect profit. To a socialist, these externalities are rationally balanced against the benefits of production.
I'm sensing some elements missing from the analysis. Like, when I ask a Gpt about something, I might be skipping 4 searches. Also, maybe with a gpt, we won't need 10-20 or more bloggers regurgitating the same unoriginal pablem (w/ ads). But It's interesting and worth paying attention to...
Without bloggers what are you going to feed into your plagiarism machine? Also when you ask a gpt something, you're skipping 4 searches but also getting a slop bucket of fabrications and lies
Call me weird, but I miss the days when I could quickly scan 4 dif results pages and come to my own conclusion what has the most veracity, or answers my query the best. For technical things (like website work) the results often have seemingly unrelated info that can help inspire another solution.
I still like that too for lots of things, sometimes that process is awesome and sometimes it sucka when u just need one piece and the pages have too much other not-so-helpful things... Depends on time spaciousness feelings perhaps.
Have you heard of kahneman's math question? I'll try to look it up. Tldr: about 80% of Harvard students get it wrong because the quick easy answer feels right but is wrong. ie. Humans hallucinate all the time. (but I'll read the article, thx!)
Fair points, I guess I'm saying lots of humans are plagiarism machines too, and we should keep that in mind... And maybe we don't need them all. But yes, we need original content creators and to not go to the gpts for everything. It may have a place and may have some efficiencies unaccounted for.
GPT lies and hallucinates, so more searches are required to verify its output. And GPT can only produce anything by stealing from human bloggers, so yes you do need the 10-20 bloggers.
Yeah, I agree. With all due respect to humans... Arent 19/20 blog post are regurgitations of the first? Humans lie and hallucinate... I would hazard to suggest moreso. For more info, I recommend kahneman's 'noise' and 'thinking fast and slow'. I could need a gpt to verify some blog posts... No?
What about AI helping us save energy by technological advancements it devises and wasteful processes it rationalizes?