
Back in the early to mid 2010s there was this view that you should gently convince right wingers to believe in climate science and my response was always: "a right wing that believes the science is scarier than one that denies it" WELP HERE WE ARE
Far right using climate crisis as bogeyman to frighten voters and build higher walls | Jonathan It is no coincidence that ever more extreme politics has come at a time of ever more extreme weather
Right wing, conservative, libertarian etc ideologies break at every intersection with climate. Preventing it, dealing with it, understanding it, ensuring all of those things don't worsen the others, etc.
Why address when it's an opportunity to wedge reactionary "solutions" more likely gain a foothold over lose any as effects grow more visible? Perhaps misreading "break", but they live for doomerism which lets them direct followers' pain towards stated enemies.
(I realize the article is behind a paywall- if anyone wants a copy or links to Hartmann's works, please message me)
It’s never been about belief. Any excuse will do (whether it aligns with the science or completely contradicts it)!
Nazis (officially at least) were major environmentalists, eco-fascism is a normal part of fascism.
This paper had everyone freaking out at Twitter, because it was (quite falsely) taken as an endorsment of fascism and not (what it was) a warning that not dealing with climate could undermine democratic legitimacy--as if no one believed such a thing could happen.
Political Legitimacy, Authoritarianism, and Climate Change | American Political Science Review | Cambridge Political Legitimacy, Authoritarianism, and Climate Change - Volume 116 Issue 3
This place is going the linkedin route
Populists are skilled* at redirecting any disaster against the victims of it. Reactionaries leverage that through ecofascism. *In that it's their only tactic, so they have a lot of practice and systems of communication/information and people in general reward consistency over humanism.
Horrifyingly, they have probably always known it to be true.