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UHF in 4K is out TODAY from our good friends at Shout! Factory
the patron saint of telling your friends to read nearshore
an idea is like a rabbit you are a bird of prey make art
I know every journalist and journalist-adjacent person under the sun is looking for work, but I’m honestly flabbergasted because I was working steadily for an org that has over a billion dollars in assets until a few weeks ago when shit just apparently hit the fan.
Fucking unacceptable. I’m not in the union as a freelancer, and I’ve only just heard this thru Twitter (of course), but I assume this means I’m gone, too. Anybody looking for a fact-checker/editor/reporter who needs some work done, holler at me. If anyone who sees this can boost it, I’d appreciate
Fucking unacceptable. I’m not in the union as a freelancer, and I’ve only just heard this thru Twitter (of course), but I assume this means I’m gone, too. Anybody looking for a fact-checker/editor/reporter who needs some work done, holler at me. If anyone who sees this can boost it, I’d appreciate
FACT CHECK: false. orcs do not have feelings and it's ok to kill them
wow I never had a shot. congrats doc
Posting any variation of "in fairness, [fact-checks your joke]" heavies your heart on Anubis's scale
Happy International Crow Day
“Electric cars don’t have to be defined by smartphone aesthetics and touchscreens and proprietary software; they don’t have to present as impenetrable to the garage mechanic.” @andrewmoseman.bsky.social makes the case for a dumber EV:
Give Us the Dumbphone EVheatmap.news Simpler electric vehicles would not only be cheaper — they’d last longer too.
Actual threats to Freedom of Speech ranked: 1. Workers who want to organize 2. Pro-Palestinian students, academics and media workers That’s it, end of list.
You all need to know that Steve Hassan is very transphobic. I understand why he’s popular among exvangelicals and similar, but be informed; do with that what you will. I’m quoted at the very end of this podcast. Note that I disagree with the bothsides framing www.conspirituality.net/episodes/202...
202: Steve Hassan and the Trans Cult Conspiracy Theory — Conspiritualitywww.conspirituality.net Steve Hassan has stated at length his opposition to the “cancel culture” he believes is directed at Rowling and himself. This episode is not that. It’s a sober evaluation of legacy, disciplinary ove...
Tip: if you briefly press and hold two opposite side buttons on the iPhone (like you are trying to turn your phone off), it will turn off face and thumbprint recognition and make it so you have to input your passcode to unlock the phone.
In case you missed it: here’s my bitchy little piece in @bookforum on the historical conditions that gave rise to the tradwife, and the elisions required to claim that being a housewife is sustainable, politically defensible, or healthy for women: www.bookforum.com/print/3004/l...
Wife Sentenceswww.bookforum.com Lisa Selin Davis’s confused history of homemakers – Moira Donegan
im in tears
Move over, Rover! About 1,500 years ago in Patagonia, a hunter-gatherer's animal bestie was a fox that was about the size of a German Shepherd. Archaeologists found the extinct canid's skeleton in a human grave; analysis of the bones showed it ate the same food as humans & was likely kept as a pet 🧪
Foxes were once humans’ best friends, study says | CNNwww.cnn.com Evidence from a Patagonian burial dating back about 1,500 years hints at a close connection between a hunter-gatherer and the extinct fox species Dusicyon avus.
god gives his worst tummy problems to his hottest soldiers
Wow, the Indiana Court of Appeals has decided that the state abortion ban violates the religious liberty of religious plaintiffs who sued under a state religious freedom restoration act. Its decision on RFRA begins at p.45 public.courts.in.gov/Decisions/ap...
Sacrifice him to the Duolingo owl
“HB 777 not only would fine libraries and librarians, but it would possibly require hard labor by those found guilty. Read that again: librarians would be sentenced to hard labor for daring to join their largest professional organization.” bookriot.com/louisiana-hb...
Louisiana HB 777 Would Criminalize Librarians and Libraries Who Join the American Library Associationbookriot.com Louisiana Library workers or libraries who seek membership in the largest professional organization would be criminalized for doing so.
Just as a reminder, all you need is a squirt gun with salt water to draw a penis on a cybertruck
Cybertruck guy distraught to realize that everyone outside their community thinks it's ugly and stupid
NYC is having trouble finding places to house asylum seekers, so hear me out:
As a reminder: If you have a technical problem, you need a technical solution. If you have a social problem, you need a social solution. If you try to solve a social problem with a technical solution, you now have two problems.
AI companies scraping data: Haha fuck yeah!!! Yes!! AI companies having their data scraped: Well this fucking sucks. What the fuck.