
RE the french elections - do exit polls tend to be a reliable predictor of outcomes? How happy are we allowed to pre-emptively be here
Reasonably reliable. They’re permitted to sample real ballot counts which help
just a lil morsel of pre-emptive excitement then....but looking good hey
Yes the results are coming in quickly and no sense that the polls are wrong. Lots of close races but the popular front held.
I guess everything that‘s not the RN as the strongest party is a huge reason to be happy. If the polls turn out to be spot on we should have Champagne. All night long.
At least in the first round they were fairly accurate, the only issue being it didn't fully account for constituencies so the left didn't do quite as well as forecast based on vote percentages because their votes piled up in specific areas. But it wasn't way off.
i think we're allowed to be at least a bit more excited than we excpected to be.
its quite a slap in the face for le pen