Anthony Zacharzewski

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Anthony Zacharzewski

Trying to make European democracy work. "Refreshingly free of the usual platitudes". Belge par choix, Brits door opvoeding.
If you follow 538's Electoral College forecasts, Biden edges Trump 270 to 268 which is obviously a win but it's also the kind of situation that can create the kind of chaos Trump can exploit
It’s certainly the dividing line in NZ media, and sadly ours is dominated by the ‘Fresh News from Ye Royal Court’ variety. It’s exhausting and dispiriting at a time when even the OECD recognises the threats to democracy are serious.
2024 OECD Global Forum on Building Trust and Reinforcing
That Vance is a direct line to Thiel and Andreessen is truly important. Trump wants their money. Thiel wants to sell billions in Palantir contracts to power Trump’s mass surveillance/ethnic cleansing infrastructure. Pence was the Christian Nationalists’ guy. Vance is reactionary capital’s.
Are you a fan of all of those guys who are directly responsible for making the internet an unusable dogshit hellhole? Well boy do I have a VP for you.
Which means you also energy
So much “voters” discourse is “first, assume the existence of someone much less intelligent than yourself and everyone taking part in this discussion”. A much lower stakes version playing out with prison reform in the UK, where there’s an imagined, incredibly thick bloc of swing voters.
There is an inherent snobbery and superiority in the idea a photo of Trump surviving a shooting wins him the election. Oh, I myself am not swayed by that but your average voter is an idiot easily swayed by flashing colours and bright lights. Honestly, fuck off.
Making coffee while playing French music in honour of Bastille Day and very studiously ignoring the news.
On Listen to On ira on Spotify. Zaz · Song · 2013.
It’s very normal and healthy to not have an opinion on everything.
I truly believe that one day we as a website will make it out of the darkness of weird arbitrary "complicity" moralism and into the sunny daylight in between "the thing you do is connected to something/someone bad" and "the thing you do itself is a bad thing"
Full list of the terrible parties in this edition of the European Parliament, at least I'm getting a little joy from the one bit of the Czech fash being called "Oath and Motorists"
There are a lot of things wrong with Viktor Orban, but I don't think enough attention is being paid to his complaints about "race mixing."
This whole thing just makes me think of Elon as the Corpsecution controller from The Day Today (from 1:36 but you’ll need to watch the rest for context)
very chill stuff, very chill stuff indeed
THE DAY TODAY - Chapman Baxter Justice
Never a penalty, but here we are.
I am 100% here for Farage talking about Brexit all the time. The more he can talk about it the better.
Now Farage has spoken as an MP for the first time, can we please have something approximating scrutiny of him from at least the lobby? Time to stop acting like he’s a lovable eccentric and start treating him as someone on the public payroll, who has to adhere to standards he does not share. Thanks.
I decided to get one of those substack things people have and write about how Labour's victory is a reminder of how party strategy changes in a multi party, volatile environment. There's a bit about the 1977 Dutch election if you like that sort of thing
The coalitionable, inoffensive, Labour How party strategy in European PR systems can tell us about Labour's victory, and a journey through the weird and wonderful operation of Britain's electoral system.
Yes, NFP (left & Green ; no center left) won; a truly inspiring achievement. In the French system, This the first time in history that the second round completely changed the results of the first round ( that was giving all the power to the extrême right).
Le Soir reporting that left/centre left alliance has won the French elections according to exit polls
What could have happened today if more candidates who came in 3rd had refused to drop out? Hint of an answer in the city of Aix. Here, the Macronist candidate refused to drop out. As a result, no front vs the far-right. Result: RN wins with 37%. Left at 36%. Macronists 27%.
There are some broad points of clarity that have emerged from the French legislative elections, but much more uncertainty about the practical impact. I'll start with the points of clarity. 1. The front républicain is still viable, but it is much more febrile than even two years ago. 🧵
Quiévrain: With French Parliament split into equal thirds, a crack team of Belgians is heading south to offer urgent government negotiation assistance.
Polish PM Donald Tusk: “In Paris enthusiasm, in Moscow disappointment, in Kyiv relief. Enough to be happy in Warsaw.”
Shock follows shock! Exit poll puts Le Pen’s right wing National Rally in THIRD …behind the left wing NFP and Macron’s Ensemble.
Who's that!? It's Leon Blum with a steel chair!!!!
Le Soir reporting that left/centre left alliance has won the French elections according to exit polls
Le Soir reporting that left/centre left alliance has won the French elections according to exit polls
French parliamentary election turnout about to exceed that of UK general election with three hours of polling to go (one hour in rural areas). Highest turnout at 17h since 1981.
Boris Johnson worries about a “road to serfdom” so I propose the EU offers a special Boris Johnson deal where the UK would elect MEPs, have the PM and minsters sit in the European council and get a vote on all regulation and EU appointments, if it rejoined.
Mail on Sunday threatening me with a good time I see.