
I know it is useless to argue with these people, which is why I block them immediately instead.
Blocking everyone who comes into my mentions to say that we should vote third party or not vote at all does wonders for my sanity
All their scenarios for voting 3d party leading to a better society involve implicit accelerationist assumptions &, in the real world, would only come to fruition on the other side of fascism. Fuck their "the worse, the better" shit. I don't want to deliberately live through worse to spite the libs.
if third parties in the US want serious consideration they should win in some uncontested seats in local/state elections before throwing a couple million down the trash for a federal election campaign that isnt going anywhere
a big part of why the US is anomalously duopolistic for is that the quality of the third parties just suck ass, the libertarians and greens to a lesser extent did better than most before they went off the deep end
there’s no inherent reason other deep blue states can’t have something like the vermont progressive party, its just that most of the folks who could do it either waste all their time in deadend marxist orgs and green parties or they see what they’re up to and decide to just be a leftlib democrat
The lack of proportional representation is the main legal barrier IMO. And proportional representation would only result in small parties being represented according to their actual votes if we had national party slates instead of representation by district.
well yeah that’s a problem but even in other FPTP countries like canada and the UK there are sizable third parties that can at least challenge sub-national elections, scotland has been lead by a third party for most of my life
if ross perots ego and incompetence hadn’t gotten in the way we might have had one in the reform party, jesse ventura won the governorship after all
This is why they shouldn’t be taken seriously besides the inability to win. Third party voters and the “both siders” are without-a-doubt fascists. They just think it’ll be better coming out the other end. They don’t give a damn who will suffer and die to get there cause they think it won’t be them.
And they're right IMO that Biden and Trump both shit. But there's no conceivable scenario -- short of a King Ralph electrocution incident -- where one of those two shitty people won't be elected in November. So the realistic goal is to prevent the shittier one -- the outright Nazi -- from winning.