vaporwave historian | FREE KEZOS

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vaporwave historian | FREE KEZOS

noted robot girl, spends a lot of time with bad strategy games, books, programming, and weed | lwma | 🔞
We won a fuck ton of ground in the 90s because neither the establishment or reactionaries really understood what was implicitly at stake in the early internet. This played out into inexorable cultural and social advances throughout the 00s. Gamergate was the enemy waking up.
The entire reactionary wave is The Backlash To The Internet. The creation of the internet allowed anarchist (and similar) ideas to rapidly spread in influence. The resulting catalyzing culture of half-converted liberals (eg tumblr) went wide and irked selfish bastards who in turn unionized.
(2/*) Black farmers are rare today in part because concerted efforts were made to drive them off their land until they were either dead or willing to undersell just to escape, and in part because segregation created a barrier allowing communities to overcharge them for access to anything.
Jack black has for a very long time supported autism speaks, Zionism, and his HIV denialist buddy Dave Grohl.
i’ve been looking for work since having to quit that job that was treating me badly for being autistic while i’ve been chasing every lead i can, i don’t think i’ll make it in time to pay rent, so my friend told me to set up a gfm we rly just need to make it through this month
Help us make it through this month!, organized by Jennifer Hello, I am Jennifer, an autistic trans woman living in Reno with my girlfriend… Jennifer Hogueison needs your support for Help us make it through this month!
Who wants to live here with me?
one thing i find rly gross about the bouie sitch is that a lot of biden deadenders went from slamming the new york times as being fake news and going after their uwu wholesum bean but as soon as someone has criticisms of the papers contents they’re full on media boosters, just unprincipled as shit
silver lining: most of those blocks y'all are racking up are from matt yglesias stans
treat others with respect 🌸
they ran bill kezos off the damn site smh
*ahem* Bsky has a racism and transmisogyny problem cuz, what exactly did we say to warrant this many in such a short time? lmao
my two cents on the "male socialization" thing: the way media presents the socialization of female-presented children is nothing more than a pipe dream. the sleepovers and flowers and friendship is all smokescreen. cis or trans, to be a young girl is to be annihilated
So arguments about how JD Vance isn't very good at politics — I mean, sure, whatever, but that's not why he's on the ticket. He's on the ticket because he's become one of the most unashamed and effective advocates for autocracy. It's a signal of how they wanna govern, the "mandate" they wanna claim.
Note: he wasn't mentioned in the post or alt text of the post that kicked all this off. A feature like this wouldn't have "protected" him from it because he sought it out or a snitch shared it with him for whatever reason. (It was just a tongue in cheek post calling him a liberal, essentially)
i love the idea that bouie is extorting paul for a "hide notifs from accts u dont follow" feature as if thats gonna stop him from reading every single reply he gets lmao. the guy was name searching himself theres no fix for that. none of us are free from the madness. u cant pull request sanity sorry
Do not obey in advance.
The number of people Trump says he'll deport keeps going up. It's now 20 million, 50% higher than the largest estimates of the undocumented population. It's clear sign that distinguishing legal from illegal won't be a priority. They're just going to round up people they don't want to be here.
if we can extricate ourselves from the miasma of partisan politics then we might take a *meta*political view to reveal how the most common variable among mass shooters, rivaling that of misogyny, is the desire to be immortalized, which is the universal appeal of fascism's cult of redemptive violence
in democracy we resolve our differences on the battle bus
I have a theory for why military-industrial people so often become scolds: they *professionally* engage in abstraction to justify themselves as good people. They pay their bills, every day, by coming up with ways to make their job sound less harmful, the harms abstract, the victims abstract, etc.
finally someone is making a button you can press to make bluesky a tranny free experience
i'm sure this won't have any negative consequences at all
this is what we mean by the white carceral police state being a structural genocide of black people
“This is what death by incarceration looks like. No matter how oppressive the conditions are in this hell, all you can do is endure… until you can’t”
I Watched My Neighbor Die a Preventable Death Due to Scorching Heat in Breathing was hard for all of us in the heat. I screamed for help when he collapsed but it didn’t come soon enough.
reminder that no politician actually condemns “political violence.” doing political violence is their job; it’s what founded this country and what sustains it every day. what they’re condemning is political violence that affects *them*
Pelosi's Twitter account put out a generous expression of sympathy for Trump this evening, and the top comments are all people mocking the attack on her husband
anyone else really hating being shackled to whatever stupid shit the democratic party and cis people decide is consensus
‘wE cOnDemN aLL viOLeNcE”
When the shot was fired, Trump was in the process of bragging about his plan to deport 20 million people, including American citizens
This statement from Melania Trump is a fascinating piece of writing: “A monster who recognized my husband as an inhuman political machine attempted to ring out Donald's passion — his laughter, ingenuity, love of music, and inspiration.”