Kevin Hardegree-Ullman

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Kevin Hardegree-Ullman

Exoplanet astronomer at the University of Arizona. Discoverer of K2-138 g. Outreach aficionado. Peer-mentoring advocate. On the job market.
And the 4th ever captured transit of K2-138 g! 🥲
How cool is this plot from Hugo Vivien's new paper on the K2-138 system (one of my personal faves!), showing transits of four different planets within ~24 hours with CHEOPS.
This person opened up a tanning salon with colored UV lamps, calls it an "experience under alien suns," makes $$. 🙄 If it was a true alien sun experience, it would take forever to get enough UV radiation from an M star, though a violent flare might zap you first. 🔭
'Stellar tanning salon' brings light of alien suns to "With a star tan, you'll be able to experience life on alien planets vicariously."
I HIGHLY recommend astronomy grad students apply to this wonderful program! Feel free to ask me anything about the program, my experience, etc.! 🔭🧪
Grad students!! Do you want to come and work at Caltech/IPAC for six months? Beautiful Pasadena, wonderful mentors, rich datasets and exciting science? Check out next year's projects here and come join the 2025 Visiting Graduate Student Fellows! AMA!
2025 IPAC Visiting Graduate The Infrared Processing and Analysis Center (IPAC) at Caltech announces the availability of six-month graduate student fellowships. The program is designed to allow students from other U.S. or interna...
Can we probe O₂ on Earth-analogs with upcoming 25-40-meter class ground-based telescopes? We used Bioverse to look into the direct imaging and high-resolution spectroscopy capabilities of these telescopes! Check out our new paper! 🔭🪐🧪
Bioverse: GMT and ELT Direct Imaging and Biosignature detection in the atmospheres of Earth-like exoplanets is one of the most significant and ambitious goals for astronomy, astrobiology, and humanity. Molecular oxygen is among the...
Can we probe O₂ on Earth-analogs with upcoming 25-40-meter class ground-based telescopes? We used Bioverse to look into the direct imaging and high-resolution spectroscopy capabilities of these telescopes! Check out our new paper! 🔭🪐🧪
Bioverse: GMT and ELT Direct Imaging and Biosignature detection in the atmospheres of Earth-like exoplanets is one of the most significant and ambitious goals for astronomy, astrobiology, and humanity. Molecular oxygen is among the...
Dear Paw Patrol, This is not how telescope domes work. The telescope sticking out of the opening defeats the entire purpose of the dome. Please stop perpetuating misinformation to your young audience. Sincerely, A concerned astronomer with a toddler P.S. Cool rocket, though! 🐶🔭🚀
I was a grad student for 5 years, 10 months, and 5 days. I just calculated, I've now been a postdoc for longer than I was a grad student: 5 years, 10 months, and 13 days. 😵‍💫
#AbSciCon24 Come check out the "Oxygen: Life, Biosignatures, and Beyond I" session between 10 and 11:30 am in Ballroom A. My talk, "Bioverse and the Prospects for Observing Biosignatures with Extremely Large Telescopes," including some exciting new results, is at 11:03 am! 🔭
Apparently, I had the same eye surgery as my great great great great grand advisor. His surgery, however, left him blind in one eye. Luckily, ~100 years was enough time to improve the procedure. 🔭👀
Here's a much better shot of totality since I'm not trying to post while still taking pictures. Check out all those flares! 🔭
Totality worth it. 🔭
The forecast for our location near Dallas is not looking great for the eclipse tomorrow. 🌥️🔭
The Moon is on fire tonight! 🌖😇 🔭
The future of US astronomy just dimmed by half Will the United States abandon its big ambitions for astronomy, just like we did for particle physics back in the 1990s? The future of our country as a science leader depends on being bold. It's now or never.
The future of US astronomy just dimmed by Ground-based facilities enable the greatest scientific production in all of astronomy. The NSF needs to be ambitious, and it's now or never.
Job application submitted. ✅️ Toddler 2nd full orbit complete. ✅️ Cake shall now commence. 🎂
I think our ~2 year old wants to ride in the Vomit Comet and/or the Super Guppy. ✈️
We found SOFIA! Unfortunately, this modified 747 is very hidden at the Pima Air and Space Museum. Our ~2 year old toddler is in the foreground for scale.
This is so cool! Annie Jump Cannon was a phenomenal scientist, and set the foundation of a big portion of my research!
For #PrinterSolstice prompt spectrum: trailblazing American astronomer Annie Jump Cannon (1863 – 1941) 🐡🧪👩‍🔬🔭 #histsci #DisabledInSTEM with her stellar classification system which sorted stars based on spectral types, revealing their temperature from hot blue to cool red: O, B, A, F, G, K & M. 🧵1/
Nice sunspots today! Go check them out with eclipse glasses! ☀️ 🔭📷
Astronomers, next week I'm giving my students several *real* observing proposals that they can study as they learn to write their own. Do you have a NOIRLab proposal that you'd be happy for them to read? e-mail me! 🔭 (sticking to NOIRLab only so the formats are all consistent)
Is anyone aware of an online tool where I could upload an image and it adjusts colors automatically to be color-blind friendly? This is specifically for already published plots. I am already familiar with how to make my own plots color-blind friendly. 🔭
FYI, to anyone submitting an AbSciCon abstract, there's a 200 word plain language abstract they don't tell you about until you're on the submission form! 🔭🪐🧪
It's observing time!! and I are on the 5-m Hale Telescope at Palomar Observatory (remotely) and despite the bleak forecast, we are actually about to point at a star!!! Sucker holes, here we come!
I got the silver Percy & Ginny to give as a gift, but this would certainly be icing on the cake! 🤩
✨ BIGGEST GIVEAWAY YET! 🤩 Join for a chance to win my 14K solid gold Percy & Ginny studs earrings ($310 value): 💫 How to participate: 1) follow me 2) enter here 3) like/repost 🚨 P.S.: it's the last day to Christmas shop on !! 🔭🐡🧪#bsnm