
lmao the dumbasses are drinking themselves to death
the thing about Muscovy is that unlike colonized countries, they 100% fucked themselves. It's not consequences of European conquest. It's not natural disasters, it's (largely) not internal or external war. Europe experienced major world wars twice and still got their shit together.
I had not thought of that before and that is even more incredibly fucked up
wow holy shit. From the video "The country's Maternity Capital program encourages population growth by giving new families a one-time payment for giving birth to or adopting a child." So they get paid to kidnap.
Yes( and it's not the first time in recent centuries🫠
every middle to high income country has a demographic problem and many address it with financial incentives (and immigration) but russia is the only one that actually steals children. No one wants to immigrate there.
На днях десь на ютюбі натрапляла на відео де казали що за офіційними підтвердженими даними росія вкрала понад 20 тисяч дітей, неофіційно - 150, але може бути значно більше бо вивозили цілі сиротинці з окупованих територій або вбивали батьків щоб забрати дітей (так, як німці в другу світову)
При цьому самі росіяни вихваляються що вони «врятували» (насправді просто викрали) понад 700 тисяч дітей яких вже віддали на виховання в російські сімʼї. Тобто скільки ще українських дітей не всиновлено росіянами і живе в сиротинцях і таборах перевиховання ми точно не знаємо😭😭😭💔💔💔
A lot of Westerners don't really know about this. And they don't know that stealing children is the reason for Putin's arrest warrant, not the war itself. (For Western readers, the arrest warrant was issued in March 2023. At that time Kyiv estimated that 20,000 were stolen, it's likely much more)
Я більш ніж впевнена що за кордоном не знають що українських дітей не тільки перевиховують російською пропагандою і змушують забути рідну мову і ким вони є а ще й продають в рабство і для зйомок дитячого порно
Yeah, we’re running out of words (and even slurs) to describe what they have done and continue doing
I left a comment saying that the AFU helps with this 😁
for sure. Early in the video they make the point that there's a shortage of working age males and that they're furthering that demographic decline by sending them to war (which is true for you too but obviously not your fault - they are choosing to do that)