
In 2022 I was surprised to find out how large #Ukraine is. Here are some references around the world to help you visualize (from #日本 #India #Brasil #대한민국 #भारत
Damn I thought Chicago and NYC are like Kharkiv and Kyiv, just a few hours ride on a car 🤔
Noooo. I live about 90 minutes north of Chicago and I have driven to DC. It is a long way (someone shared the driving with me).
Thank you! Really helps those of us living in the North American continent.
it's even more shocking when you consider how much land russia is occupying, which is equivalent to Vermont, New Hamphire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island and half of Maine. Imagine if Canada invaded and the West Coast was like "oh well, sucks to be a New Englander, good luck with that 🙏"
On the subject of land acquisition this is how much land Mexico ceded to the United States when the USA invaded Mexico in 1847. The war ended a year later. Mexico lost.
yeah I'm definitely not painting the US as some kind of hero. We have done a lot of bad shit, made a lot of terrible decisions and caused a lot of suffering. However, Ukraine is an exception; supporting them is unequivocally the right thing to do.
Absolutely. Ukraine is frontline fighting WWIII to keep the west safe from Putin’s greed. Slava Ukraine.