
Я знаю що означає це фразу, але what does it *mean*? В чому прикол? Контекст - Він багатий підліток, він намагається справити враження на інших підлітків.
I'm missing so much cultural context in this show but at least I know who's on this poster 😆 (I still don't get the joke)
different guy! why are there so many gay porn memes ahahaha also is this on the citizenship test? 🤔
Gotta be! We wanted to name a street in Odesa after Billy Herrington, the guy on the poster. Gachi memes are also the only gay related content that sexually frustrated young men who chose to express themselves as homophobes actively use.
there are SO MANY also why is Ryan Gosling so popular in Ukraine?
Cause Ukraine’s population is dominated (numerically, I mean)by females and he is a rare image of non-toxic masculinity? And for males his characters often have the allure of being dead inside but still attractive? Just my hypotheses. We have a thing for Keanu Reeves, too.
Someone took a dump into a spring in occupied Makiivka and local collaborationists were ranting about it online. It's like it was their only source of drinkable water or something.
As for memes about Makiivka spring, they originated from the complaints of locals on social media in Donetsk.
Ohh, poor Kevin, I will have to try. So, there are local telegram chats, right? Makiivka is a Donetsk suburb/sarellite, occupied since 2014. Of course people lurk through the tg chats of occupied cities for multiple reasons, including very helpful photo confirmations of targets being hit
Ukraine doesn’t have drinking-quality tap water, it tastes bad and you have to boil it anyway. So people prefer taking water from local springs. It’s a risk of its own cause unlike tap water these aren’t checked regularly and pose a public health risk, but we have what we have 🫠
Usually the area where the spring appears from the ground is kinda taken care of, communally, and made in a way that you can’t really put anything in the water before the point of water collection, but apparently Makiivka has at least one of them running naturally.
But once upon a time a local tg chat exploded with a scandal. The spring people used to get drinking water has been spoiled. Or soiled? They had been looking for the perpetrator and writing long angry messages about how the entire area uses the spring and how irresponsible it was.
But the thing was deemed a major sabotage. The post in the tg channel contained a photographic proof of the incident.
Labeled by the author
From then on, the classic sausage shape was seen in multiple memes including „the first publicly posted shot of surface from that satellite Prytula foundation had rented for us“. It is also featured in the Russian version of tripadvisor, apparently
well that is good to know before I visit we have super good tap water in my city because there was a horrible outbreak in the 1990s that sickened hundreds of thousands of people and killed dozens
1993 Milwaukee cryptosporidiosis outbreak -
Ви не знаєте прикол про Макіївський роднічок? 🫣
I didn't look at the upload date before watching the show and it was just jarring to see current events (the previous episode referenced russian spies, but that could be any year)
It’s at least 2 years old, this meme. Basically it stuck with us longer than many cultural pearls and I’m afraid I will have to explain this to my grandchildren if I ever have any
I’m happy to know more context because I’ve lived in Makiivka for some time. They’re always were problems with tap water, they become worse when the full scale war begin. So shitting into well or spring considered crime against humanity here
Та це вже став мем не на 1 день, а щоб згадувати хоча б раз на місяць)