
how is fuckin Laurelai Baily at the root of *every shitty thing* that happens on social media, jfc
Lol I was just in another post advocating blocking LB. She is a fed informant. If Kairi is still interacting with her she has been turned too probably on the threat of prescription fraud charges which she was openly asking people to do for her. No one should ever trust LB or any one working w/ her.
Laurelia Bailey was the one who infiltrated the lulzsec for the feds. Last month Kairi was asking people on Bluesky to commit prescription fraud because she wanted boner pills. Kairi and others were handing chatlogs to Bailey. Bailey being in your circle is really bad news.
Just because anonsee works for a defense contractor doesn't mean she isn't doing a govt job. Snowden didn't work for the NSA he worked for Booz Allen Hamilton. But still did a NSA job. I really feel like the feds are actively after a trans woman or group that contains 1 or more trans women.
Considering that fae had my name in fae’s mouth today as part of her strategy to redeem herself, I’ll refrain from commenting. Other to say that this seems very plausible to me.