
Bluesky open talk, art gang chime in! For me, even 'silly' comments are very welcome! I might not reply every time, because what do I say to '💗' (and even then I will often leave an emoji in return, still). But I TREASURE them. It lets me know actual people perceived me, and they liked what I did.
Back in the Twitter days, I know some artists were like "Replies help engagement!" So I tried to leave a silly little comment but sometimes I felt like a goofball for doing it so I always ask artists: Benign or silly comments to art: yes or no?
Benign comments (like 'nice!') or ❤️ are fine and do help in terms of engagement. Emotionally, I don't think they worry anyone? Silly comments can be a bit trickier. Sometimes it's harder to tell if it's a joke or not, esp. if it's from someone you don't know.
Good point about the silly/playfully rude comments! Personally I don’t mind them, but they CAN be tricky. So when in doubt? Emoji is best.
That's part of why I stick to emoji...I also don't know how Google might translate it..and I only have limited time and so much cool or interesting art to support
If you ever sneak in a 😏 or a 🥲 you could cause maximum confusion with minimal effort.
Oh I'm sure I've stuffed in the odd misplaced one in the sequence from fat thumbs
Yeah I tend to do the same. I have some bandwidth for commenting but often I think the emojis are appreciated just as well.
On the former place I had someone criticize them but when I realized that person rarely commented..and when they did only on big name artists with "brilliant!" type comments and never RTd etc I just walked on from it
Someone always has some hot take on that place and moreover, think it actually matters to the rest of the world 😅
All of this! I aim to write a response but depending on how many spoons I have left during that day or at that moment, I’d go for emojis
Love your Emoji comments, Dan. Only hope my emoji reply’s do them justice 😊
seconded! it's always a comfort to see em in my notifs :)
Thank you 😎 btw lack doesn't mean I don't just means I haven't seen in the churn..or it's the 4th+ trip to the well that day lol
Yes they are. We're just trying to be seen, appreciated and supported where the effort is put in!
That and I'll feel pressured to respond in kind, to be clever, which sometimes I just don't have the spoons for and then I feel bad.
Oh I just give up being clever, I know I'm not 😅
Neato. I will continue to comment about the nice Mr Taskmaster Skelengton.
Also seeing Final Pam is a blast from the past, haha!
Anything someone can say that takes even a second out of their time to share with me, be it a simple emoji or single-word comment is absolutely appreciated! Seconding not replying to them every time, but if I have the energy, I try to get back to everyone, at least with a like :>
im honestly starved for comments myself. I don't have a manager or anyone above me to point out the SPECIFICS of what they like/don't like. Hearing those things helps me 1. get out of my head and 2. know where to focus to improve. but I keep reading things about how people don't like commenting>
> because it gets ignored and there is no other interaction with the artist. which is why I DO try to comment SOMETHING in return because those few who do comment or PRECIOUS to me. even if it is just an emoji or "LAKSJLASKDJALKSDJ!!" it means they took that time FOR Me and that feels rare
but im also the type to comment without expecting a response, so part of me feels a bit jaded that i am one person expected to respond to every comment , which is why I would still try to heart things to show I saw it and appreciate it, but was told that's not good enough.
To me an artist's like/heart reaction to a comment of mine would be totally sufficient. I'd feel weird if they had to react more in-depth to every "looks awesome!". Sometimes it's rather ME who's at a loss how to show my appreciation in words - a mere "oh I like it" often feels not enough as well. 🤷‍♀️
weird/great how we're all at a loss how to converse sometimes 😂
but it's totally enough for me too <3 similar to getting a heart response, anyone who takes the time to comment -anything- always makes me so happy. but i also understand as I've tried to put into words why i love something but all I can manage is "OH SHIT THAT'S BALLER" xD
This is a great point - even someone saying “oh the shading is cool” is surprisingly informative - like ok maybe I should do more of that, people like it
EXACTLY! it doesn't have to be a three tweet critique, but your example is truly perfect. it honestly does tell me what people like and as a freelance artist, I DO cater to my audience because I also draw for myself and use different techniques. so it helps me all over the place <3
Especially if you’re trying to make products for your shop or sometimes it’s really helpful when you’re in the middle of bad art block
yes! it's like you're in my head <3
Pretty much exactly what you said. I'm always happy something I made meant something to someone enough that they put effort into responding to it.
Every nice comment is great Be it just an emoji or a keyboard smash. If you don’t know art terms don’t worry, neither do I! A sweet comment doesn’t have to be profound
every comment counts, tbh, because it feels more like a response from a *person* than a passive like does. It's like hey, someone saw the thing I made! and they took the time to go "hi!" in response. that's nice! I like that.
I LOVE silly comments!! I like knowing my art made ppl laugh or even just made them think of something silly. It makes me so happy ^^.
Agree! Also helps to ease the pain of feeling like you're just screaming into a giant void.
I love getting simple and silly comments on art posts too, it doesn't have to be anything eloquent!
I don't mind comments on my art. Especially given I don't really expect to get them. I don't have a big following and get a really just. Kinda mixed bag of things getting ignored vs commented on, so don't get hopes up for it. But even just hearts is appreciated. Because its proof people saw it-
And likes it enough to engage in *some* fashion. And I am lonely AF lol. Social Media is the entirety of my social interaction ;__; So screaming into the void feels lonely AF sometimes >//< But. Anything is better than nothing.
I love comments. A like is nice but feels like just a thumbs up. Like. Good job you did a thing. Like in discord when you post something you sweated over for ten days and someone just boops a thumbs up lmao. But yeah, it's ALL nice, it's also hard to figure out how to respond.
Yesssssss, you described it so well! like I won’t complain about a like, but a comment is just.. so special🥺👉🏻👈🏻
leaving literally any comment on my work will make my day. you can comment "." and I'll be happy about it for hours
Theater of the absurd Twitter was always best Twitter. I too love silly replies.
i'm just happy if anyone sees my weird shit & i love when people like/comment, it makes me feel that spending 40+ hours on a drawing isn't a waste of time
I love comments, even if I don’t reply (though I try to). And I recognize and appreciate the regulars who show up to my posts, even if I don’t always have a chance to interact and/or don’t follow them.
I do tend to reply to things that I really like, even though I feel awkward sometimes leaving the same phrases over and over