
“leftists who have hated Biden for years and opportunistic pundits who have hated Biden for years quickly agreed that the key to beating Trump is to relentlessly attack the duly nominated Democrat until he’s totally unelectable.” with all due respect do people not realize this is extremely bad
first of all, Biden is one of the most ethical and empathetic president we have had. He is a good person, so anyone who says they are a Democrat but have hated Biden for years is NO DEMOCRAT. F that guy.
He is absolutely ethical and empathetic. He is also not a good candidate at this point. Both things can be true.
He IS our candidate and to remove him right now would be disastrous for the US IMO, and many others.
Yes, he is the candidate, and it is also not too late for him to step down and pass the baton to Harris. I think him continuing to pretend like everything is fine would be much more disastrous. But hey, I hope you are right.
There is a way for all of the sensible people to turn off the sensibility and turn on the blue maga part of their brain for the Biden administration. remember its KING Biden now and princess Kamala the future queen. Become insufferable. Get on their level, and stop doing the work for them.this vibe:
Sorry, no. The stakes are too high to turn off our brains. The Dems need to run the candidate that gives them the best chance to defeat trump, and I do not believe that is 2024 Joe Biden.
I believe Biden still is our best chance, above all because the challenges of switching nominees at this point are more daunting than those of sticking with him. But think of it as voting Biden-HARRIS; that should help some.
It's the Biden Harris administration, not Joe Biden. That framing is the best candidate. It is too late to start theorizing about all the potentialities. Yes the stakes are high, but not believing we can work with what we got is absurd.
A lot of other people disagree with you. Personally, I would like to think that Biden and his inner circle know he has to step down if he can’t campaign, and that they are making the decision to stay in because they are confident he can.