
Also eat something salty, with the water as the salt helps with better rehydrating! If you have to be out, gatorade, or even vitamin water, basically drinks with electrolytes, will help a LOT more than plain water. But also plain water works if you can't get the other stuff.
We're hitting 113°F here. If you're also experiencing high heat today, for the love of fuck DRINK WATER Not some sissy little sip every hour or so. You fucking chug that goddamn water jesus christ and stay out of the fucking sun I've already had to yell at one beloved fool getting dehydrated today
Very much this! We lose electrolytes when we perspire so it's really important to replenish those along with water in high temps.
Great advice! In healthcare we say “water follows salt”, and if people aren’t replacing the salt they pee out, a lot of water leaves the body along with it!