Olivia Wertheimer

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Olivia Wertheimer


Tech Artist in Unreal | Mixture of art & politics | ✡️ | She/They | BiAro |

Ko-Fi: http://ko-fi.com/oliviasnerdydev
Throne: http://throne.me/kingdomfantasy6
Well, while I'll probably need to bribe myself with a coffeeshop, visiting the DMV tomorrow will DEFINITELY help with my whole "corporate conformity = fascism" art project.
It always bothers me how SIMPLE the economy is, when your goal is ensuring money is spread among the people, and that they all have what they need. Price housing low so shelter is easily obtainable thus one less stresser, and pay people high so they can buy silly things.
Still in heavy need and now my working table broke too. We haven't been able to fix any of the broken things here like the car or washing machine and our bills are through the roof, anything I make just is enough for groceries. #mutualaid Kofi desdarkdesigns Paypal [email protected]
"coronavirus is “like throwing a bomb in your body,” said Dr. Ken Cadwell, a professor of medicine at the University of Pennsylvania who studies how Covid affects the gut. “You’re going to feel that in multiple different organs, not just the lungs.”" (Gift link)
This May Be the Most Overlooked Covid Symptomwww.nytimes.com Gastrointestinal issues are a common but often unrecognized sign of infection.
I know it's probably meant well, but all I see on county websites is "job training" this and "job training" that and like. While it's probably useful for some, "job training" still doesn't fix the whole underpaid issue.
Turns out the real challenge of getting a driver's license is just getting a road test scheduled.
If any new 3D artists are seeing this: This is me being snarky, but there's a truth here. Because there's usually not one right way to do things, sometimes you end up utilizing a method with extra steps. But hey, if it works for you, cool! Just also be open to hearing about additional options!
Arguably I'm shooting myself in the foot by using a basic template for said skyscraper building thus forcing me to go in and adjust the windows. But also this wouldn't be the first time, nor the last, I specifically chose the most roundabout way.
The entertaining thing about making a piece about corporate conformity = fascism with a bunch of shiny corporate skyscrapers, is that I get the joys of modeling those giant ass corporate windows, thus giving me a bonus reason to hate them.
Also, a general reminder that if you like indie games, wishlisting them before release and leaving a thumbs up review after you play them can have an outsize impact on a small dev!
Keeping this separate from the reposting the transcript of the first episode: I do believe victims. I do think there needs to be more reporting and corroborations as the source is...not that great. On a few levels, not just TERF reasons.
Extreme content warning for...really graphic descriptions, but thankfully this person has transcribed at the very least the first episode of the podcast with allegations, with potentially more transcriptions as availability allows.
I have listened to and transcribed the first episode of the Tortoise Media podcast series "The Allegations Against Neil Gaiman." This is NOT a certified transcript and should not be relied on for legal or journalistic purposes without confirming with original audio. drive.google.com/file/d/1Ql2b...
Tortoise Media The Allegations Against Neil Gaiman, Episode 1.pdfdrive.google.com
The new COVID variant seems to be evading immunity from vaccines and past infections. COVID cases are up 250% in NYC. Remember the more you get covid your risk for long covid increases significantly. gothamist.com/news/nyc-cov...
Journey with Blender for Artists continues! Ended up nabbing the blender kit add on, for some additional materials, though I also forgot about that asset tab, so there's that. I can see lots of customizing workspaces and whatnot ahead of me.
"Come what may, we will need strong networks of community members who are deeply invested in their shared values & one another’s survival. Now is the time to build those connections, sharpen your skills, & build the rebellious culture of care we’ll need to defend each other in this decaying empire"
When my mom asks me how the “romance auction thing is going” and I send her a screen shot of this. Mom: “That sounds about right.” #romancelandia
Welcome to the last day of Romancing the Runoff. The fight to the bitter end is not starting today; we have fought the entire week. But it IS finishing. Update your proxies! Shank your enemies! Betray your friends! THE END IS NIGH! www.32auctions.com/R...
Romancing the Vote 2024www.32auctions.com Silent auction 'Romancing the Vote 2024' hosted online at 32auctions.
It's hard to avoid some element of internalized ableism, but it's so clear how it becomes internalized sometimes when everything around you screams at you "mobililty aid = lesser/incompetent/lower faculty." The Economist is absolutely being ableist with that image.
Walkers repeated used to point out infirmity/old age becomes fewer people being willing to use walkers or being seen using one. Walkers are mobility/stability tools: we might think of that as a neutral or even as a positive thing, if not for the cruddy way walkers are maligned - like in that cover.
A lot of ableism isn't deliberate: that makes it more pernicious! A walker is representing being at lower faculty, by your description. I tweeted this on the other site: "The way walkers are used in media/culture is truly revolting -- & this rep prevents ppl from using what is a useful tool."
Using the walker on the magazine cover is not deliberately ableist. And at some point people are going to have to learn discernment and how to view creative media within the context it’s presented. The walker on the cover is to the point of an elderly person no longer being at full faculty.
The air is so bad at this point, that even with the windows closed, enough has gotten through the gaps my asthma is kicking in. Really feeling the "'Murica" right now.
I would like these loud booms, from indeterminate directions, all around, to please stop. Y'all celebrated this country, or at least an excuse to play with explosives, can we PLEASE wrap it up, it's been at least 6 hours now.
I would like these loud booms, from indeterminate directions, all around, to please stop. Y'all celebrated this country, or at least an excuse to play with explosives, can we PLEASE wrap it up, it's been at least 6 hours now.
I'm tired of seeing people complain about fireworks. Fireworks are great except for the fire risks that they have. And how they negatively impact the environment. And how they scare my pets. And how they can trigger a variety of mental health issues. And how they- (1/98)
If you're feeling gross and lethargic and drinking something seems too exhausting, that means you're already not in good shape and you need to get some fucking liquid and electrolytes in you and get cooled off. There is killing heat all over the place right now.
Also eat something salty, with the water as the salt helps with better rehydrating! If you have to be out, gatorade, or even vitamin water, basically drinks with electrolytes, will help a LOT more than plain water. But also plain water works if you can't get the other stuff.
We're hitting 113°F here. If you're also experiencing high heat today, for the love of fuck DRINK WATER Not some sissy little sip every hour or so. You fucking chug that goddamn water jesus christ and stay out of the fucking sun I've already had to yell at one beloved fool getting dehydrated today
We're hitting 113°F here. If you're also experiencing high heat today, for the love of fuck DRINK WATER Not some sissy little sip every hour or so. You fucking chug that goddamn water jesus christ and stay out of the fucking sun I've already had to yell at one beloved fool getting dehydrated today
After much time looking up add ons, and including them, I've got one EXTREMELY basic building that I'll probably throw megascans on to when I bring it into Unreal. Though I am curious about some of the architecture tools and will give those a shot for additional buildings.
Please share widely! Please help our beloved @tinu.bsky.social be able to consistently afford chemo treatment! No one should be going through this just to stay alive! Tinu is always there for everyone, even when she is feeling her worst. Please be here now #ForTinu! ❤️ If you can't help, please share
For @tinu.bsky.social 💕💸 Tinu has been a long time advocate for so many and now is our turn to help her. Tinu has Long Covid and cancer, if you have funds please donate and RS to boost!! #ForTinu Patreon.com/Tinu account.venmo.com/u/TinuWrites Ko-fi.com/TinuWrites
Get more from Tinu on Patreonpatreon.com A More Fair And Equitable World Through Community
i’m losing my job soon and would like to depend on family for support as little as possibly 🖤🧡💕💸
i understand the hesitance to reskeet my porn when i’m crying on main, i get why that might feel weird, but if no one knows im selling porn, i don’t make sales, and then the financial stress contributing to the crying does not get better.
The most horrifying thing to me is that from what I can tell? All you Blender users are getting a LOT of basic UV tools only within the past month or so. Makes a lot of Blender pieces more impressive.
Wait. Blender doesn't let you UV unwrap from the object then edit from there? You have to do it all manually? No wonder I've seen Blender users impressed with Maya's UV unwrapping. Oh there better be a plugin to fix this.