
Journey with Blender for Artists continues! Ended up nabbing the blender kit add on, for some additional materials, though I also forgot about that asset tab, so there's that. I can see lots of customizing workspaces and whatnot ahead of me.
...Okay, so even with a bunch of add-ons, when in just modeling mode, blender for artists is hitting about 2gb of RAM. My desktop's fans aren't even kicking in, which is REALLY surprising.
Daaaaaamn some of these architectural tools really speeds things up. This was like...5 minutes? Not counting finding the extension, but still.
Okay, I GUESS I'll have to look up how to actually texture. I like my selecting faces and UV islands dammit. (though I think I need to fix the settings on the UV packing as it's not allowing for spaces meaning there's texture leakage)
I didn't know about blender for artists until I saw this thread. It might be just the thing to get me back learning blender