badjelly the witch

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badjelly the witch

#1 fan of the parent trap cinematic universe | she/her | kaurna land
sorry bluesky my attention seeking drama fuelled ego won out, i've gone back to twitter
InRO is covering selected films from the Palestinian Film Archive as a counter-response to Berlinale, check it out here:
Palestinian Film Archive Archives | In Review
all the question options for my final politics essay are so boring
really like my german teacher but he asked a question, i answered correctly, and then he told me i was wrong and then repeated what i said in different words smh bro i promise you i do know the difference between das and du
Love waking up to a message from my father saying that a procedure he is voluntarily having (organ donation for family member) has a chance of death of 1 in 3000 🥴
losing it @ these characters from an ancient episode of midsomer murders straight up looking like sandra and vincent from anatomy of a fall
my family finally witnessed my rice making skills so might finally stop telling me to get a rice cooker that I have neither the space nor money for just bc I love rice
sorry but the hannah waddingham stans selling designs of the bag hannah's daughter made for her........... very weird! please learn boundaries!
all of my sister's school essays are put through ai checkers etc and hers flag as likely to be ai or chatgpt despite her writing it all herself and this is giving her so much anxiety she's started using google docs so it's easier to track the history in case she ever gets in trouble for it ☠️
about to start my first german class! not nervous (i'm blessed/cursed with the inability to feel nerves) but very much dreading a 2 hour class + the thought of study partners + potentially (tho hopefully not) having to have my video on lmao
I wouldn’t go so far as to say I’m an anya tj hater however I do find her performances very… acty? performancey? self conscious? in a way that annoys the hell outta me and stops me from fully enjoying anything she does
having to get my mother to call the doctor for me because my post-iron infusion fatigue has become ridiculous - it’s day 4 and i can’t keep my eyes open and my head feels like it’s gonna explode ☠️
everyone on twitter talking abt how happy emma stone looked for lily gladstone........ imo it looked like kinda fake over the top happiness but ok
i have to have a study partner for part of my german class.... i hate zoom calls i hate talking to ppl i dont know i hate having to rely on other ppl and them having to rely on me this is fr enough to make me wanna quit lmaooooooo
I don’t believe in god and I’m immune to any religious superstitions HOWEVER the one thing that does put the fear of god in me is saying Macbeth in a theatre. I did it once accidentally and thought someone was gonna end up dead before the night was out
i love it when people post pics of celebrities and are like 'omg the way he looks at her!!!' babe he's not even looking at her please take your delusion goggles OFF
watching anyone but you and it's surprisingly fun but my godddd some of the acting is so fucking bad
i religiously slather on sunscreen every day but of Course the one day i cried all my makeup and sunscreen off I end up spending the afternoon sitting in direct sunlight ☠️ looking like a clown now
Meltdowns are so embarrassing like why can’t I stop shaking and crying about my outfit not fitting properly an hour ago
Meltdowns are so embarrassing like why can’t I stop shaking and crying about my outfit not fitting properly an hour ago
god this iron infusion has knocked me outttt i can barely stand up i'm so tired
I’m at the doctor getting an iron infusion and just bumped into my other doctor I saw yesterday and she was like ‘good you’re getting the iron, I noticed yesterday you were looking a bit winter white on the dulux chart’ ma’am i know I’m pale but you didn’t have to say that 😭😭😭
finally got the full course breakdown for my gothic fiction unit and... dont wanna speak too soon or jinx myself but........ this looks so easy
just got mad @ myself for not seeing more of europe while living in london but then i remembered that i had so little disposable income from working a shitty job in an expensive city that i would skip meals to save money lmaooo
"do you think gillian anderson would be on my podcast?" - my mother
centrelink cut off my jobseekers payments without warning and that means they also cut off my health care card so i won't be able to get the concession discount for the iron infusion i'm getting on thursday 👁️👄👁️
the way my ears pricked up when i heard my sister in the other room read the name pooky quesnal in the credits of the midsomer murders episode she's watching
[throws a bouquet into the crowd at a funeral to decide who dies next]
i don't have an actual bedroom and have just been staying in a kinda secondary living area without a door and though it's tolerable temporarily, i'm starting to feel veeery suffocated because the curtain i've got across the doorway doesn't do anything for privacy or soundproofing