
#RNDitem No. 16 - my BD copies of Royal Space Force: The Wings of Honneamise. Bandai Visual US chipboard box autographed by director Hiroyuki Yamaga @ Fanime 2010 + postcard @ 2013. Gainax screened my BV BD at Fanime 2011 when they realized the copy they'd brought had no subs... 🧵
...and the only copies they could find in the dealers room were the HD-DVD version. They asked why I had the BD in my backpack and my answer was (from prior experience) that you never knew when an impromptu autograph session would happen at one of their panels so I wanted to be prepared. ...
... I'm missing the DVD from the BD/DVD set because I loaned it to the manager of the local arthouse theater at one of their weekly cult movie nights in 2008 and he suddenly skipped town before returning it. Next I heard of him on FB he was in Thailand. 😳😬 I use the empty slot for the MJ BD release