
a very important skill for Online is (if you are not directly affected) to be able to look at the day's discourse and go "no, absolutely the fuck not" and then not post about it
Long ago, I realized I didn't have to have the last word, and that improved my life significantly.
YES (although replyin’n’mutin’ works pretty good too 😆)
I do that sometimes, too. But the big realization was... I don't *have* to try to convince someone they're wrong on the internet. I probably won't and it just gets me angry. I don't need it. So sometimes I mute someone for a period of time. Or permanently. 😄
Its really good to mute certain people who maybe aren’t HORRIBLE? but as like a reminder it may be best not to respond when they show up in a thread? and later I might unmute, or I might block 🤷🏻‍♀️
I tend to not block unless I decide the person doesn't deserve free ebooks.
"I agree with their pov overall, but they're funny about this one issue that makes me want to yell at people"
RIGHT?? I occasionally get a bit block-happy there, but it is still better than publicly ripping them a new one and regretting it later.
I am 100% certain I am that person to some people.
But lordy the time I used to spend, convinced I could “win” if I just kept at them, until I finally learned to tell which ones just wanted my attention (most of them), and which ones were worth making an example of for others’ sake. The rest just go straight into the bin.
i am still learning this. some days i do well. others, not so much.