
But he should’ve. And presumably you think Democrats are better than that? There are several vibrant, coherent younger alternatives
Who? Harris wouldn't stand a chance. The fascist conservatives and those who would not vote for a woman, particularly Harris, are not one circle. If someone, anyone, stepped up who could get more than 51% of the popular vote I would vote for them in a heartbeat. Who would that be?
I’m independent. Don’t like shift of Dem party. But I was “anyone but Trump”. With that said - I don’t care anymore - consequences be damned- Dems put forward a mentally diminished candidate, I’m not voting; those who don’t like, tough. So if Harris, klobuchar, newsom, Shapiro, etc. I’ll vote.
actions>>words both candidates are up for reelection here. we know their ability to perform their duties. anybody with a brain isnt judging these candidates on character.