
And Mitch’s freezing incidents were MUCH worse than Biden’s
Yes, funny how the rethugs are always given a pass, not matter what they do or how they do it.
Um. Are you trying to make an argument?
But he should’ve. And presumably you think Democrats are better than that? There are several vibrant, coherent younger alternatives
Who? Harris wouldn't stand a chance. The fascist conservatives and those who would not vote for a woman, particularly Harris, are not one circle. If someone, anyone, stepped up who could get more than 51% of the popular vote I would vote for them in a heartbeat. Who would that be?
I’m independent. Don’t like shift of Dem party. But I was “anyone but Trump”. With that said - I don’t care anymore - consequences be damned- Dems put forward a mentally diminished candidate, I’m not voting; those who don’t like, tough. So if Harris, klobuchar, newsom, Shapiro, etc. I’ll vote.
actions>>words both candidates are up for reelection here. we know their ability to perform their duties. anybody with a brain isnt judging these candidates on character.
She would do just fine against the “immune” guy
That not the point. 2 parties are judged by different standards.
Are you insinuating that Dems should be more like Rep? They picked their guy, Dems picked their. The cultist remain satisfied with their guy, many many Dems are not with their guy (for good reason).
Yes, I suggest we meet the moment.
Fuck Mitch. Calling out R’s hypocrisy does nothing to help Dems win in the Fall.
never forget, hypocrisy is their superpower
So... Democrats are just like Republicans? You don't say? Yeah, there was never any doubt. 👍
Hopefully Biden will d*e so this is no longer a debate 🙏🏼
Going forward if anyone mentions bidens sundowning, you emphatically do not care. He is a good man, and there is an entire country behind him. We do not let this guy down. They do it for their leaders. We have to do it for ours.
Yr whole vibe sucks and I'm praying for you ✌️🙏
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Yes, but that doesn't mean it's neither the right thing to do, nor the wise thing to do. What are we going to do after sticking with Biden (bad bad idea IMO, but he's the one to decide) and he has a few more in October. That happens, which it will unless they don't let him out of the WH, we're dead.
I am afraid for Country too Bc they will get Biden and he will Not do anything to help us. Not Expanding Court what ever he pretends, knowing Court will overturn. But now I just want Voters to get us a Senate Majority. No sense in beating a dead POTUS.. It is Bidens team that kills Democracy. Forsale Lander
Agree. Being a traditionalist is generally a stabilizing asset... but not when the other side isn't and won't be. I haven't lost hope, and I'm not convinced he won't step away from the race. Yet. He's got one more week, then it's very difficult. Hopefully Jill is sensible and not hubris sick. 🤞
She reminds me of controlling Nancy Reagan. They have 6 mansions and more property they own. She is not the American housewife. Notice she aint teaching anymore.
On any modern scale of wealth, they aren't on it. I have siblings far richer, and they ... give their money to dems. And you think the first lady of the US should be... working? Thnats not an important enough job? What would be more important? Teaching 6th graders?
No, I did not say she should be, but everyone drooled about how she is like them, cause when he took office she was to keep working.. She had to stay to guard his decline.
Biden has huge ego, if he has any sensibilities left, he wont.. his family is invested now. I just want people to push Whitehouse for Expanded Court if we get Senate, House will come. Even they are made up of dumb asses Jefferies is an idiot No other Country.. one side would have Voted Johnson
Time will tell, and not much of that.
I think it is too late.. They have lost a huge section of Voters.. they are screwing Democracy 3 ways. His team killed it. And Coons a Repuke, couldn,t be happier.. They have more money than you think Just invested. Why stock market is one of his priorities. Why he has not told to bring down rates.
Yeah, his corporate overlords still have plans for him.
Finally someone ! I have been trying to post about that for a few days, glad someone remembers!