
Tories and Reform will complain relentlessly that their votes to seats ratio is so bad, and Labour's majority is wildly disproportionate. Worth remembering this is the system we've always had, which we voted (like morons) to keep a few years ago, and it's suited the right just fine till now.
FWIW I am a strong supporter of electoral reform, and I think FPTP is terrible. But we literally had a referendum on it, and I believe those are eternally binding and we all have to suck up whatever unliked consequences they produce, *Nigel*.
It will be genuinely funny if we eventually get PR because the *right* gets uppity about how unfair FPTP is.
TBH I think Starmer should at least do another referendum. It's not an equitable result and while I am all for as few far right nut jobs in Parliament as possible, there's going to be masses of semi-legitimate grievance.
Yeah I think PR and trans rights might be the main things I regularly pester my MP about over the next few years. Not that I can vote to re-elect her, but I'm still in her constituency, so she might care, who knows.
It's often how we get change. They are the schoolboys poking out their tongues "snot fair"
Doesn't this just mean that Starmer is better at the game than either Sunak or Farage? ( also KJ I hope you sleep well when the time is right )
How any party can get such a massive influence for the next 5 years with only 34% of the vote is very unfair on the rest of the voters. We have seen the destruction the Tories did with a fraction of the vote.
Yes. I suggest you join the Electoral Reform Society, who've been lobbying for change for a long time.
Thanks, I will have a look. Ironically the Scottish parliament was forced into PR when it was created by Labour in Westminster.
On the Electoral Dysfunction podcast a few weeks ago, Ruth Davidson was pointing out that Scotland was using three types of PR plus FPTP (Scottish Parliament, local elections, European Parliament, Westminster) at one point.