Kathleen J. McInnis

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Kathleen J. McInnis


Director, Smart Women / Smart Power @csis. Priors: Capitol Hill, Pentagon, Chatham House, Kjngs College London. PhD War Studies. Author. Mom. Herder of cats. NATO nerd.
This platform is much more fun than others. Feels like old school…
Also the TRADWIFE movement kinda scares me
Katie Britt's short video is actually a rich document of misogyny and American racism when you know what to look for. This has to do with the political content of the kitchen setting and how men benefit from the "tradwife" trend. 🧵
For all the women out there who are carrying the world on their shoulders For those who keep going even though it seems impossible to make it through the next minute #internationalwomensday  is a reminder: you are not alone and together we can achieve the seemingly impossible. You got this.
despite the high price I still just do jihad for the spice
Ornithopters are basically bullets with butterfly wings
Yep. And there will always be folks who think the world order is unjust. Question (for the ages) is can we figure out ways besides violence to change towards more justice.
International Relations thought of the Day: "pleas for international solidarity and world union [and international order] come from those dominant nations which may hope to exercise control over a unified world." -- E.H. Carr, The Twenty Years Crisis, p. 86
In a world that feels more bleak as every day passes, it’s amazing to be reminded that we can fight back. I went to the White House today for the International Women of Courage awards & saw #women who fight every day for the world they - we - want to live in. Inspiring #womenofcourage
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