Gerry Doyle

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Gerry Doyle

Reuters Global News Desk editor, Asia. Defense, other stuff. Novelist, aviation geek, bartender, dad. Ex-NYT. Grew up in Midwest, moved to Mideast. Views my own. Wrote a book about Chinese missiles:

Ad astra per aspera
Reposted byAvatar Gerry Doyle
Dispatch #745 from FalconSAT-8 (L CLEARANCE) 1. Oblique Sewage 2. Illegal Heat Domes 3. Webkinz Villa
this would be one of the funniest political moves ever imo congress would meet in rfk stadium
One of the original unratified Amenments to the constitution (that has no deadline for ratification btw) would have capped Congressional districts at 50,000 people per district, or around 6,660 seats in Congress.
when the king has absolute power for one hour between governments he should nuke the moon. 100 percent, this is not even up for discussion
it's kind of amazing how every british person on social media knows the name of every single tory mp and is specifically calling out each loss
I'm incredibly bullish on America's future. I get it's a bit hard to see these days--the death throes of unpopular authoritarianism is pretty scary and there are real problems in the immediate term--but I definitely think America's best days are still very much ahead.
this is iirc an afterburner test of a j79, famously used in the f-104 and also iirc one of the last (maybe the last?) turbojet used in a u.s. military aircraft before the more efficient low-bypass turbofans became standard anyway why did they do this to elmo
screams and screams and screams and screams and screams and screams and screams and screams and screams and screams and screams and screams and screams and screams and screams and screams and screams and screams and screams and screams and screams and screams and screams and screams and screams and
risky business, a patriotic classic
fourthin’ it up
the short campaign time would I think do a lot for my sanity
UK politics can be grim, but election night there with constituencies being largely ungerrymandered, losers standing next to winners of podiums, and the "election season is 6 weeks, not 2 years" default is incredibly wholesome
also don't forget the key part: there is no electoral college, so if people vote a certain way it creates the expected outcome
The Brits know how to do an election night. We can't do it the same way, because we have a zillion different federal, state, & local offices up for grabs on the same day, plus ballot initiatives & referenda. But one night with elections to a single legislative house is so pure, it's fun.
anyway. america is a good place. its government has done a lot of bad things, and it's ok to acknowledge those while also embracing the goodness, of which there is also a lot
what if you only want fans to visit your space
On MySpace you really can make it Your Space.
the thing about this one that makes it shine is the scottish vernacular I have always loved, unironically, how scottish folks know how to write like they talk. it's beautiful
reskeet with a tweet you still think about i have this saved now, cuz it's just too handy
balmbottom on rickshaw, a village between kidneypaste and halbardshire
Watching the voting results come in, I am reminded that at least 50% of towns in the UK don't sound real at all.
overcoverage of a "national crime problem" that didn't exist sort of willed it into existence as a voter concern.
Remember how the "retail theft crime wave" disappeared as soon as companies had to do their annual reports? That's because it's illegal to lie to shareholders. AI is booming (if you're a pleb) but if you have money - Goldman Sachs will be honest with you instead
ok so, without knowing the article this headine is attached to, it sort of shows how you can report a story straight (the first clause) but completely change the framing by including something analytical (the second clause)
Big victory for Labour — so big that the NYT just gave Sir Keir his own version of ‘Joe Biden Is Old’
anyway, happy fourth of july. that was yesterday here. it wasn't a holiday but I grilled burgers for my family and thought about how nice it would be to have a baseball game on the radio
Reposted byAvatar Gerry Doyle
this is perhaps the funniest possible “Dems are already doing something like this”
kamala takes the stage as the presumptive nominee to the organ riff from “not like us.” the crowd goes wild when she says “our opponent, the certified lover boy? certified pedophile”
Vice President Kamala Harris Drops Kendrick Lamar ‘Not Like Us’ Reference During 2024 BET Awards: ‘They Not Like Us’ Kamala Harris dropped a reference to Kendrick Lamar's Drake diss track 'Not Like Us' during Sunday night's (June 30) 2024 BET Awards.
I honestly can't imagine thinking that journalism is an important civic platform and also thinking that "not voting is good, actually" is a voice I need to amplify. just mystified
Lmao they just changed the title of the piece from “Why I don’t vote” to “Why I won’t vote” rather than tell readers that the guy actually does vote
this is just the kiwi pronunciation
improve a videogame by changing one word: Kerbal Spice Program
y'all ever get a rejection letter from a publisher who had said promising things about your novel, and also clean child vomit off a shag rug in the same morning
Reposted byAvatar Gerry Doyle
the early 90's were SO early 90's, man
Reposted byAvatar Gerry Doyle
Artist Hitomi Terasawa drew a meticulous cross-sectioned rendering of Hong Kong's infamous Kowloon Walled City before it was razed in 1994. Now we have rare scans revealing the inner workings of the labyrinth-like metropolis.
tom clancy's the revision
I mean ass effect seems like the obvious choice here would also accept mall of duty
Reposted byAvatar Gerry Doyle
I've done this with scissors and it's been a big upgrade for not much money. Have something to cut stuff in every room of your house
Adam Savage's book "Every Tool a Hammer" explicitly gives you permission to get a second x-acto knife and a second pair of pliers and leave a set at each spot you need them rather than wander around looking for where you last left The Tool and omg it is LIBERATING.
I mean ass effect seems like the obvious choice here would also accept mall of duty
ruin a popular videogame by changing one word: Tony Blair Skateboarding