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It’s Kim from Twitter.
There’s a lot of politicians that should go to the theatre and enjoy part of a play.
Now that I don’t work anymore I have a lot of time to look at the possibility of moving to the beach and imagining what the world would be like if people were taught the truth instead of the whitewashed history and propaganda they believe today.
You think Steve Bannon is crying right now?
My favourite couples on House Hunters are the ones shopping for the home they’ll fight over in the divorce.
There is an entire team of marketing professionals dedicated to convincing you that your floors are not clean enough and as a result, you are terrible.
I didn’t want to speak prematurely, but now that I’m 2 months into early retirement it appears to have been a terrific idea, highly recommend.
My 91 yr old neighbor said he’d marry me so I could have his pension when he died, adding “won’t make any difference to me I’ll be dead.”
Feldon Trump haha.
The nice thing about having no one to answer to except myself is that I don’t ask any questions.
First do no harm. Bide your time, build trust, then destroy them.
You say I’ll see my deceased loved ones again some day, I hear c’mon kids we’re going to dig up grandma.
I met a guy once who wanted me to berate him and spend all his money, found out later it was some sort of fetish but the dude was broke so I told him he was a failure and not to waste my time until he was making high 6 figures and he cried.
Fun fact, if you shake Biden’s hand, yours comes away with the blood of Palestinians smeared on it.
Biden will deliberately miss the deadline to report to Congress on whether Israel is violating international humanitarian law (it is) he’s stalling so his boss can finish the genocide.
I hope every genocidal zionist scum of the earth barbaric asshole gets norovirus so bad they shit themselves inside out.
Someone said god bless you to me, am I supposed to sneeze now?
May the fourth fling this format into the sun.
I’m tired of the discord over if women would rather be in the woods with a bear or a man, put the men in the woods and be done with it.
*adds insult and flaky sea salt to injury.
I haven’t had any time to run my errands or do housework since I quit working.
The kids are alright, fuck the old men putting up a fight.
The U.S. is urging countries not to supply weapons to Sudan because they’re concerned about another genocide. Bitch stop arming the current one.
When 600 violent white supremacists marched and killed Heather Heyer, 5 people were arrested. There have been over 400 of your children arrested for peacefully protesting a genocide. They’ve been hit, gassed, and shot with rubber bullets to protect a foreign government.
Reposted byAvatar Kim
Funny thing – if you read the New Testament backwards it’s actually instructions for building an Adirondack chair
Here’s some good news, known criminal with 50 indictments and several charges and all round evil terrorist Itamar Ben-Gvir was injured in a car accident today. Hopefully he won’t make it.
Get a load of this, on March 3rd, Rep Mike NcCaul authored the TikTok ban. On March 22nd, 26th, & 28th he invested 150K each day in TikTok competitor Meta. On April 1st & 5th he invested 350K each day in Meta. On April 13th he voted to ban TikTok. Weird timing huh?
If I was trying to distract from my genocide, pissing off New Guinea by lying about one of their citizens eating my uncle wouldn’t have occurred to me but I’m going to make note of it should I find myself in a similar predicament.
Get a load of this, some college kids staged a sit in to show support for ending the genocide being committed by Israeli terrorists, cops showed up as they do and tried to get in to break up the protest, these kids were raised with shooter drills, they learned how to barricade. Kids 1 cops 0.
The way I see it, there are two options regarding the activists at Columbia and other universities, you can either support them at all costs or get the hell out of their way, but remember your choice when the time comes, and it will, that their “good trouble” benefits the world.
I’m NSFW. I’ve never liked it, I’ve had enough and decided I shan’t be doing it anymore.