
Fun fact about the US political system: the executive branch can just ignore the judicial branch and nothing will happen unless the legislative branch is a functioning body.
Link i have been begging Mr. Brandon to disregard that illegitimate body for years. for one time, AND LITERALLY ONLY THIS TIME, let us take a page from Andrew Jackson's book.
Please Joseph i am begging you
A reminder that the only reason the Supreme Court had the absolute power of judicial review is because they said so. Biden could tell them to "suck it" and republicans don't have the ability to impeach him rn. This would be a constitutional crisis but republicans aren't going to stop.
they're totally real. but they're just an advisory board on legality. the constitutional mechanism for biden violating the legality is impeachment not the supreme court saying laws passed by the legislature aren't legal.
this is like begging to win the lottery lmao
it absolutely a nuclear option but what recourse do democrats have lol
it's absolutely what should happen but they won't do shit. Biden won't do shit. they love their "norms" and institutions. they are huge pussies. they will let each one of us die before they even consider doing something "against the rules"
Biden can sign an executive order nullifying the recent Supreme Court decision and they can't complain that it's illegal without contradicting themselves. Then again, conservatives have no issue with contradicting themselves (Wilhoit's Law.)
yes and: the legislative branch was designed to be dysfunctional, and is clearly fit for that purpose
That we don't realize we are a conquered people, is the result of heavy conditioning.
Yeah that's why every president in my lifetime is a massive criminal out in public